Saturday, 23 November 2024

Not So Birdbrained Afterall

In the competition between Evolution and Religion, the idea of one of the many creators (and there are thousands to choose from) making the Earth and everything on it fell apart when Science came along and piddled all over the religious campfire and Evolution is a long story of one thing replacing another.
Of the five classes of vertebrate, first came the sea living things such as fish which evolved into amphibians which spent time between the land and sea which over time became reptiles and from that class of animals came us mammals which means of the five classes of back boned animals, only the Birds have not had a go at lording it over the Planetary roost.  
I can only assume they are not inquisitive enough because, again i am making an assumption, that the fish said hang on, here i am swimming around like a mug when there are all those nice things on the land so evolved it's fins into legs and invented amphibians.
Then the amphibians said why do i keep going back to the sea and getting all wet when the best stuff is here on the land so evolved into reptiles and then after millions of years of sitting in the sun to warm up they said what the hell, why don't we develop an internal way of regulating our own body temperature and grow some fur instead of scales and became mammals, which they did.
Our own ancestors, at some point, said it's all very nice living up trees but i wouldn't mind stretching my legs and anyway, all those big reptiles that eat us have all disappeared after that glowing rock hit the Earth so they climbed down, began walking around and became us.
Birds then, must be content with flying around and eating worms and things so have never found the need to evolve and take over or maybe their time is yet to come and they are biding their time to after us Mammals go away and will then will swoop in and take over and that wouldn't surprise me, those swans at the local pond look very shifty. 


Not really a blog said...

i've known for a long time you really don't understand biology, chemistry, or physics. but you don't even understand the history of science and religion...

most of the serious "scientific" theories can be found in Genesis.
- in the beginning there was the word = pre big bang condition
- let there be light = big bang
- Adam = biological male trait of creating order/structure
- Eve = biological female trait of compassion/chaos
- fruit of knowledge = development of conscious brain
- fruit of life = the aspects of existence we'll never understand
- created everything in 6 days = relativity/quantum/string
- noah's arc = evolution

Falling on a bruise said...

Question my history of religion and then go and use many examples of how Christianity plagiarised other religions to try and prove how the Bible is scientific. You really are not very good at this are you unless this is part of your humour in which case well done, if not then oh dear and maybe you are cheerleading the wrong religion.