Wednesday 22 February 2023

Brit's Don't Do God

When it was rumoured that Tony Blair was of the religious persuasion his handlers quickly stepped in and tried to avoid the awkward questions by announcing that 'We Don't do God' because they knew that if a high profile figure comes out as a believer, they will be crucifed by the Press and Public.
As it turned out Blair was deeply religious and he and his fellow Bible hugger ignored the 'Shall Not Kill' Commandment and went on a war declaration twice in The Middle East.
One time Liberal Democrat Leader Tim Fallon stepped down when he got the awkward questions around gay marriage, deciding that remaining faithful to his religion and depriving gays of their equal rights was more important than running Britain's third political party and quit when continually pressed by journalists on his beliefs.   
With those examples it is difficult to see what the potential SNP Candidate and high profile evangelical Free Church of Scotland member Kate Forbes thought would happen when she announced she was running for the leadership.
What did happen was after a series of interviews which probed at length on her faith-informed views and she gave her opinion that children outside marriage is wrong, she isn't much of a defender of trans rights and marriage should only be between a man and a woman, many of her own supporters distanced themselves from her campaign and the SNP said that she doesn't reflect their views and should withdraw from the race.
Lesson hopeful learnt for anyone who want to run for political office in Great Britain, Brits don't do God and neither should you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True, also football and cricket as we have given up on those also