Saturday 25 February 2023

The Left Sharing Views With The Right

I was asked if there is any right wings views that i could support and after giving it some thought and consideration, i concluded that i hadn't been dropped on my head enough times to find myself supporting anything the racist homophobes on that side believed in and it would be a sad day in the Lucy household when i was forced to hand back my hippy, tree hugging lefty card and throw my lot in with the awful right wingers.
Then i happened across a YouGov poll which have three views which are supported by the political left and right, the support for nuclear energy, believing that the criminal justice system is too lenient and that the House of Lords should be elected.
Firstly, i wouldn't say i support nuclear energy, obviously it is cleaner than what we already have but whereas it isn't stuffing billions of tonnes of carbon into the already heavily polluted air we breathe, it is instead stuffing it into the ground with nuclear waste making that part of the planet uninhabitable for 100,000 years and that's just the low level less dangerous stuff, the high level waste is hazardous for a million years and that's without looking too hard at the health implications of living close to a nuclear site or if one goes Chernobyl, Three Mile Island or Fukishima.
When we have a free source provided by solar, wind and tides the choice of nuclear is strange so support is a bit strong, i would go with better than what we have but immensely worse then what we could have.     
The Criminal Justice system being too soft i do agree with although i think we get to the same conclusion for different reasons. Whereas i see prison as a way to remove someone from society for our safety until they are fit to return to it, the right see it as a punishment and it should be bread and dripping and hard labour which is why they are always banging on about how 'soft' prison is.
I don't get concurrent sentences, what's the point of that, but serving your debt to society and a second chance i am all for as well as serving a whole sentence, if you get 10 years then you should serve 10 years, not 5 and out for good behaviour so again we get to the same place but through very different streets.
Thirdly, the House of Lords being an unelected chamber elected by whoever the Prime Minister decided worthy is a farce. It is full of Lords who have got there for donating millions to whichever flavour of Party is currently running things and as they have a say in our Democracy, they should be decided by us, not by someone as a reward for having deep pockets.
I make that one and a half views that i share with my right wing enemies so i was preparing to give a tree one last hug and nail my lefty card to it before going to look for some migrants to harangue for being lacky feckers coming over here to live the life of riley on my tax pounds and then i thought, hang on, maybe it's not me having some slightly right wing views but maybe it is them having some lefty ones which is more than likely because lets face it, nobody would want to be a right winger and hold abhorrent views on purpose do they?
Welcome to my side right wingers, help yourself to some lettuce and you are welcome to borrow my Communist Manifesto anytime you want.

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