Sunday 5 February 2023

Failing Upwards Explains Much

Two phrases which i like to sprinkle around are 'Useful Idiots' and 'Failing Upwards'. The first is usually attributed to Vladimir Lenin about a person perceived as backing a bad cause without fully comprehending the goals and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders, think the anti-Global Warming groups or Brexit supporters.
Failing Upwards is when a person is promoted despite performing terribly at their previous job and we all know people like that, i have had more than my fair share of managers and wondered how the hell they managed to get where they got to and it's bad enough in your employment but it seems to have become a thing with Political Leaders.
Donald Trump was an awful businessman, bankrupt at least five times including when he was running a Casino of all things but somehow he managed to convince enough people (Useful Idiots) that he was a brilliant business mastermind who would 'Make America Great Again'. He never but despite everything, including confessing to being a sex offender, he failed upwards into the top job in America and we also have two great recent examples in the UK, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.  
Even before he entered politics, Boris was a known serial liar, sacked for making things up on two occasions and when he was made Foreign Secretary he managed to somehow get a prison sentence increased for a woman he was negotiating to get released and burnt through money on vanity projects when he was London's Lord Mayor but yet, he still managed to find the keys to 10 Downing Street in his grubby little hands as did Liz Truss.
Her ministerial career was blunder-strewn long before she became Britain’s most disastrous Prime Minister, as international trade secretary she agreed an awful trade deal with Australia and New Zealand denounced as 'a ruinous failure' by British farmers and Joe Biden called her 'really dumb' after she met him and made contradictory demands of sanctions on Russia when she was Foreign Secretary yet she followed Boris into Downing Street, albeit briefly until she tanked the British Economy.
It always amazes me how people are surprised when people who are so inept at their job then go and become even more of a disaster when they are handed even more responsibility and even more when after their disasters, there are still people who try to defend them which is why today, after Liz Truss tries to make some sort of explanation of why she was quite so disastrous (tried to do it too fast apparently), there are some on the Tory right who agree and are pushing for her incompetent policies to be adopted by Rishi Sunak.
That Truss is still pushing for her policies which have bankrupted Britain to be enacted, that Donald Trump is running for US President again and Boris Johnson is racing around trying to keep himself relevant so he can step back into the Prime Ministers shoes, shows that not only are some people unaware that they spectacularly.
failed upwards, but that there are enough Uself Idiots who see some advantage from continuing to back them but also that they are unaware of their own glaring inadequacies and still consider themselves the best fit for the job, despite everything telling them they really aren't and which explains why we find ourselves in such a dire place today.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Your not up for defending deluded right wingers? That's a first, you are normally very keen to try and defend the indefensible.