Wednesday 1 February 2023

How To Save Tens Of Billions In One Fell Swoop

Strange how whenever the question of spending comes up, the Government play the 'no magic money tree' card and point to the colossal UK debt without ever mentioning how the debt was made considerably worse by their own person' 40 days in charge last year and the economic stupidity of Brexit. As the BBC Political correspondent Nick Robinson put it to Rishi Sunak, they must be furious at who has been running the economy for the past 13 years.   
The left have been asked continually what they would do to improve the economy and i have chipped in with, amongst others, rejoining the EU, scrap HS2, change the tax system so the mega-rich (and Ministers and their families) have to pay their fair share of tax, force global conglomerates to pay the right amount of Corporation Tax or be expelled from the country and stop shelling out to the Royals but there is one one was can save tens of billions a year immediately, scrap our nuclear weapons.  
The Governments own website spells out that the initial cost of the Nuclear upgrade in 2017 was £133 billion and the annual upkeep of our nuclear weapons is £20 billion a year. If we have that sort of money knocking around to spend on nuclear missiles, especially against a background of a decade of austerity cuts and the ongoing cost of living crisis, then why are we wasting it on a way of killing millions of people rather than building schools and hospitals and paying the staff a decent wage?
The problem with nuclear weapons is if they are ever used, that would be the end of the World, the 17,500 nuclear weapons globally ready to be aimed and fired are all over 3,000 times more powerful than the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which killed almost 246,000 people in the blink of an eye and launching a nuclear missile will not go unanswered and guarantee that whatever devastation you wreak on your enemy, the same will be wreaked on you, in a nuclear war, nobody wins, everybody loses.  
There are a few who argue that we still need to retain our nuclear weapons for our safety although recent years has seen terrorist attacks in America, UK, Israel, China and Russia so the possession of nuclear weapons does not make a state secure and are absolutely no use against terrorists and the only point i can see for them, unless you count contributing to ending all human and animal life on the planet as an aim, is the status it provides so it appears that we are holding on to these extraordinarily dangerous weapons not out of necessity to ensure our survival, but because of the cachet and feeling of superiority it gives us.
There are eight countries who hold nuclear weapons, and none of the other 190 odd nations have been vapourised through a lack of a nuclear devices so it's a choice for the Government, they can continue under-funding essential services and wring their hands how there is nothing they can do when things fall down around their ears or scrap an exorbitantly expensive weapon we will never use or if we do use will mean there will be no need to fund anything else as we will be yet another lifeless rock circling a Star.

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