Friday 10 February 2023

Idea's From The Keyboard Of Lucy: The Earth Coming Together As One Nation

In a previous post i pondered on the idea of all the countries in Europe coming together to make one big country called Europa and went back and forth on the advantages and potential problems but decided on the whole if it would stop wars over territory and give enough social and economic advantages, then it would be worth the upheaval but then i thought why stop at Europe, why not make the whole World one massive country.    
The evolution of human civilisation is one of expansion and working together so the small tribes came together to make settlements in favour of the collective good which expanded into states and then nations and that is where we seemed to have stopped and drew our borders and started the whole thing of competing against each other for power, land, control, wealth, ideologies and beliefs.
By declaring the whole planet as one huge country where all it's resources and wealth is shared would immediately stop many of the causes of wars although the main one, religion, would be a sticking point as there are over 4,000 recognised religions declaring their religion as the true one and killing each other to prove they are the most peaceful one.
If we say let's kick that one into the long grass for later than at least freedom of movement would alleviate many of the neighbourly problems so without borders, whole nations of people could move to wherever they wanted to avoid excessive heat, natural disasters, famine or flooding and as all nations would be equal under laws, it would only be the weather and the scenery which would be different.
Economically, as there is one Government, there would be one Treasury collecting and distributing tax and distributing it to make all nations equal so no G7 or G20 making financial decisions for the rest of the planet, just everybody level.  
That does throw up the idea of a World Government representing all and i would like to see something which doesn't set and enforce laws but sets out minimum standards for goods, healthcare, services, energy, human rights and laws across the globe which would be great for planet-wide issues such as climate change although a World leader would leave us wide open to a global dictator and that wouldn't end well.
Mostly, it would stop nations putting their own interests first at the detriment of others and stop wars and provide everybody with the means to live and share our global resources, it's just a matter of deciding to continue what our ancestors began and continue expanding our countries borders until they no longer exist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once in a generation a great mind is called and all that