Sunday 4 December 2022

A Racist Is A Racist Regardless Of Age

Following royal aide, 83 year old Lady Susan Hussey racist questioning of where a black lady invited to Buckingham Palace 'really came from', i have been wondered at what age it is alright to become a raging racist because there does seem to be a few people who are excusing her prejudiced ramblings as the result of her being an elderly lady.
As if it simply did not compute that someone can be Black and British at the same time, Lady Hussey's questions were 'Where are you From?', then 'You must know where you're from' to 'What Nationality are you?' then 'Where do you really come from' and 'Where do your people come from?' to finally 'When did you first come here?'.  
Quite rightly the 83 year old has been pilloried by all sides and pensioned off from her role as a Royal Aide but some of those on the right seem to want to wave it away as a generation thing and remember that not all right wingers are racists, but all the racists are on the right wing and they are of all ages and that is
important when it comes to impotently batting away accusations of racism.
Under 16 and the racist mumblings are from someone 'Too Young to Understand' and up to 25 they are dismissed as 'A Youthful mistake' and then up to approximately 65 they are 'listening and learning from their mistakes' and then after retirement age they are 'from a different generation' which pretty much covers their whole life of racist blather.
Buckingham Palace said it took the incident 'extremely seriously' and called the comments 'unacceptable and deeply regrettable' although it is unlikely that her views of black people not being British only just appeared this month, it must have been a deeply held view which has only just been exposed now.
Just as people who begin a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but...' and then go on to say something offensively racist, these views are thankfully becoming pushed to the edges and it is only the hardcore morons who persist in this kind of thinking although there are still too many of them around and worse, when they do open their stupid mouth, there are some who are willing to excuse it for whatever reason and not shout them down for the racist idiots they are, regardless of age.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

i think the judgements of the old woman were a bit too harsh.

my mother is 87. she doesn't have the capacity to keep up with the constantly changing language that is deemed appropriate by the many groups of aggrieved people that we have turned loose on society from "first nations" to LBGQTR&UKEU to BLM. she also doesn't use tiktok, facebook, twitter, vines, etc. where lots of the leftist "approved" language emerges.

The same language that made my mother look like a feminist, anti-racist in the 60's, 70's, and 80's is now deemed to be xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobe.

It is a bullshit game being played by the left, social media, and the mainstream media. is the old royal woman a racist? maybe. maybe not. seemed to me she was just trying to be engaging and the guest wanted to shove it up the old lady's ass.

the DEFINITION of racist is changing all the time too. some bleeding heart moron or some moron with a chip on their shoulder because of any event that happened in recorded history can call someone a racist and it is game over. IT IS RACISM BECAUSE I SAY IT IS - great argument, good logic... bullshit.

in the 60's my grandparents used the phrase "negro" because they thought "nigger" was racist. say "negro" today and you will be slaughtered on the spot. then we went to "african american". Then "black". Now we are being told that there are is just one race and that "race" was created by "whites" (thought there was just one race) to suppress and demean others. See, morons with a chip on their shoulder.

lets not forget "homosexual" being used to be gentle versus "queer" or "faggot", and now we have looped back around to "queer". Of course, that isn't good enough. every derivative of sexual imagination must have its own designation no matter how small the population that fits the designation, and the rest of us are supposed to get onboard and walk around trying to not offend all these people. it is more bullshit.

hey, how about "merry christmas". no good. so we started "happy holidays". ooops, that doesn't work because that is another "white" imposition on the "first nations". bullshit.

then their is the whole "indian", "native american", now "first nations" thing

the goddamn tail is wagging the understandably psychotic dog

Anonymous said...

I disagree. What she was doing was saying you can’t be British because you’re black. That the woman continually replied that she was british and the other lady refused to accept it based on her skin colour is blatant racism. Nobody can brush it away as an age thing because that would have been wrong in any era and as she was 83 and has therefore seen herself how times have changed shows how ingrained it must be

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

anon, i understand that interpretation as well. but it does require the bias that the motivation was racism. and that is an assumption.

while racism was always wrong, it has always been a fact of human existence, and it still is. it is far from gone. very far from gone. basically it is under attack in western europe, canada, US, australia. the rest of the world has essentially not begun to address it. applying the "west's" views if understandable.

applying "today's" views to the past is also understandable. we cannot change the past. so it can be used to impugn people of the past, but also people of the present. something the left does continuously now (some person was an asshole 372 years ago so all white people suck). in america we hear that washington, jefferson, hamilton, et al were racists so they should not be revered today (and if you do anything but condemn them you are a racist too). i say, if not for those leaders, we might still be under the thumb of some fucking english king or queen. so, yeah, in an era when slavery and racism was a common global reality, those leaders broke the back of monarchy's in the west and hurray for them!

Falling on a bruise said...

Anon is me, fr some reason it will only let me comment as Anon on my phone.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

does the same to me.