Friday 11 October 2024

Talking Bullocks On Question Time

Question Time went to Pennsylvania last night and between debates on how evil/brilliant both Kamala Harris and that other guy are, there was a moment towards the end when someone in the crowd went all British and said that to use a British Word, most of what comes from politicians is Bollocks.
The Democrat politician then went on later in the show to repeat it but made a bit of a hash of it, saying Bullocks for which the British guest on the panel corrected him in the correct pronunciation of the word which is a less polite way of saying something is nonsense.
To be fair to the Yankee, it is not a widely used word in America and he could have meant Bullocks although why he would bring up a young bull into a conversation about immigration i am unsure or maybe he meant Rollocks which is a severe telling off.
He could have meant Rowlocks, those things that oars go into on a boat or even Horlicks which is a chocolate flavoured drink and it was nighttime so maybe he was a bit sleepy but more than likely he just made a proper bollocks of it.
If American politicians are going to swear British style then they really should try harder because we have many here which apparently haven't made it over there such as Wanker, Git, Tosser, Bugger, Knobhead, Prat and Pillock or you could just cover them all by saying 'He's being a right Donald Trump' who encompasses them all, the Twat.