Monday, 25 November 2024

Handsakes For Some, Hand Sanitiser For Others

If Covid taught us anything, it was importance of washing our hands which is a quick, easy and effective way to reduce the spread of diseases.
The World Health Organisation said that a regular 20 second hand wash before eating after visiting the bathroom can reduce respiratory diseases by up to 25%, and intestinal diseases by up to 50% so you would think that after the scare of Coronavirus, we would all be scrubbing in the sink but a Gallup poll shows that the message has still yet to penetrate.   
The poll asked Europeans if they washed their hands with soap and water after going to the toilet and well done and a confident hand-shake to the 96% of squeakily clean handed Bosnian's who topped the league table at 96% followed by the Turks with 94%.
A quick handshake to the Kosovan's and Portuguese (85%), the Greeks and Romanians (84%), Serbians (83%) and Macedonians (82%) but it's a quick tap of hands and a smothering of hand gel to those of you from Iceland, Sweden and Germany (78%), Finland (76%), the UK (75%), Ireland (74%), Switzerland (73%), Bulgaria (72%), The Czech Republic and Ukraine (71%).
A wave and a warning to keep those filthy paws away from me to those from Poland (68%), Estonia and Austria (65%) Russia (63%), France (62%), Spain (61%) Belgium (60%) and Italy (57%).  
So which country should hang their heads in shame and then hang their hands in a sink of industrial strength sanitiser, looking at you Netherlands where only 50% of you said you wash your hands after going to the bathroom so the only person to shake a dutch hand would be Donald Trump because we all know where his hands have been.

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

if that is what you learned from Covid, you need to go back to school... what we learned from Covid was that the disease was spread thru the air. and washing hands quickly doesn't work. need to scrub your paws for at least 20 seconds... with soapy water, as hot as you can stand it.

that being said, what would eventually become US territory was colonized by religious fanatics escaping the uk, and one of their traits was germaphobia. hand washing is a manic behavior in the US.

the un/who sucks