Thursday 30 May 2024

Biden's Rapidly Disappearing Red Line

The problem with drawing a red line is when the red line is danced all over you either have to do something or look a complete fool and back down and Joe Biden has decided to look a fool and frantically rub out the line then actually do something to stop the Israeli genocide going on courtesy of the weapons he has provided.
Just over two weeks ago, President Biden told the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, not to go into Rafah and if he did: I'm not supplying the weapons' but Bibi not only went into Rafah, his military has been slaughtering Palestinians whether they were retreating for yet another apparent safe place or living in tents and used the American weapons to do it.
So all eyes on Rafah and Biden and we waited to see the response, would Biden withdraw the weapons? Stop funding the genocide? Join in the rtest of the world calling for an immediate ceasefire? What he did was change the definition of exactly what 'going into Rafah' meant.
Biden's security advisor told us about the increasingly elastic red line meant that there 'was no mathematical formula for working out when it had been crossed' and they would be judging it on whether there is a lot of death and destruction or if it is more precise and proportional.
Biden must have been happy with that as long as Israeli didn't do the usual Israeli thing and kill large numbers in the offensive it would be fine, unfortunately, the Israeli's did just that and days later 50 Palestinians are killed in an attack on a displaced people's camp in Rafah which Israel said 'oops, unfortunate accident' and added yet another investigation to the list.
At this point Biden must have sat in the Oval Office and wondered run the words 'Precise and proportional' and 'a lot of death and destruction' through his mind and came up with the idea that this STILL didn't cross his red line so that makes it ok to carry on providing the military aid.
As the call for Israel to be sanctioned for Genocide at the ICC and ICJ grow even louder and more and more nations are sidestepping America and Israel and recognising Palestine, Biden is looking more and more out of step and must be concerned that the 1948 Genocide Convention, outlines that complicity in genocide is a punishable act, and as he is continuing to give military and financial support to the very nation slaughtering large numbers of civilians using the weapons he provided them with to do, he is complicit up to his eyeballs and hopefully he wont get his second term but then the problem is that the other guy is even more of an arse in making America Israel's bitch.

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