Thursday 30 May 2024

Lib Dems Dicking About & Greens Pushing Things

The role of the other parties in this General Election who are not Labour nor Conservative is to make sure voters not forget they are there and the Lib Dems have come up with the wheeze of doing something so blatantly mad cap each day so we had Ed Davey falling repeatedly off a paddleboard and Ed Davey gurning as he rides a bike down a hill, legs akimbo so while the Lib Dems have gone for dicking around in lakes, on bikes, up trees or anywhere a camera waits to stay relevant, the Greens have gone much more grown up.
The problem the Greens have is that they really are a one trick pony, they all all over the important Environmental issues and many people are on board with that, who but the most dunderheaded wouldn't want to live in a cleaner world where you don't risk contracting any number of noroviruses while you paddle in the sea but after that, the Greens have very little and you need to have more than one policy to be in Government.
So the Greens kept their launch today very short and sweet, 15 mins from start to finish and featured knitted rosettes, pictures of sewage being spilt into our lakes and rivers and large plastic 'Vote Green' placards being held up.
Before any journalist could ask if they were single use plastic signs the leaders were giving us some meat on the bones of their policies and that was as meaty as a pencil because they will 'push the next government for bold action' and 'push Labour to be bolder and braver' and generally push other things with their main aim being to get 4 Green MP's in the Commons which is a worthy goal but as the only Green Party member anyone knows, Caroline Lucas, is stepping down then just getting 1 Green MP could be the definition of pushing it.