Sunday 26 May 2024

It's A Miracle...Or Is It?

A Eucharistic miracles consist of unexplainable phenomena such as an apparition of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, unexplained voices, writings or messages from the beyond, the weeping or bleeding of sacred images and generally things in those sort of areas but the views of the Catholic Church may be mired in ther 15th Century (gay marriages, women in general etc) but in some ways it has moved into the 21st Century because the amount of 'miracles' appearing on Social Media has forced it to reevaluate exactly what a miracle is.
Where the decision of whether a miracle was real or fake was originally down to the discretion of the local bishop but now that miracles are under new management, the decision is now in the hands of a central team who get to decide if it is God's work or a bored teenage with Photoshop.
There are now six classifications a miracle can fall into ranging from definetly super-natural through concerns about the credibility of the phenomenon to increasing doubts to finally a massive fake, kind of yep definetly, likely, benefit of the doubt, doubtful, unlikely and finally to how dumb do these people think we are?  
The Church does acknowledge that the outcome of the new norms will minimise the number of phenomena recognised as 'Miracles' but they hope, this will make the real miracles even more impressive
so that face of Jesus on your toast or the Virgin Mary on that door of the local Wetherspoons may indeed be a miracle but the biggest miracle is how, in 2024, people still believe in this religion rubbish.