Monday 13 May 2024

There Is Another Genocide Going On

While everyone is paying attention to the Israeli genocide going on in Palestine, there is another one happening right now in Africa in Sudan where Human Right Watch are saying Sudanese forces in the Darfur region are initiating a genocide against non-Arab ethnic communities.
 The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), along with allied militias, have been ethnically cleansing the region and since April 2023 and have killed tens of thousands in a systematic campaign to remove, including by killing, ethnic Massalit residents.
The HRW report found that women and girls were raped and subjected to other forms of sexual violence, detainees have been tortured and destroying critical civilian infrastructure, targeting neighborhoods
and sites, including schools, in Massalit displaced communities and then looted, burned, shelled, and razed neighborhoods to the ground, after emptying them of residents.
According to HRW, these attacks constitute “ethnic cleansing” as they appeared to be aimed at destroying in whole or in part the Massalit in West Darfur and have called for an investigation into genocide.
The International Criminal Court are currently investigating and have said that they have: 'grounds to believe that both the paramilitaries and the army are committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
While Israel is rightly being castigated for their genocide in the Middle East, we shouldn't be blinded to the one going on in Africa.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

another misuse of the word "genocide". it is simple murder and rape...

further, unlike Israel, it appears the civilians are the primary target of the Sudanese, not secondary victims.

"non-arab" is not a culture/society being eliminated...

Falling on a bruise said...

You denying the Israeli genocide doesn't make it not genocide, it just makes you one of those strange types that refuse to accept it for what it is.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

Genocide is an attempt to ELIMINATE a civilization with a common defining trait (race, nation, or culture). The un definition is meaningless as is proven by some of your arguments for using the un definition. You can't defend the inane description so you reference the author.

What race (genetically related group) is Israel trying to eliminate? Arabs? There are dozens of millions all over the world (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, et al).

What nation is Israel trying to eliminate? Palestine? It is not a nation, never was, it is just an area, and it is an area that got its name from the uk, with a minor reference by the Romans circa 1250 AD.

What culture is Israel trying to wipe out of existence? Palestinian? Palestinians do not have a unique religion; unique language; unique art; unique cuisine, etc. So what makes "Palestinian" a culture?

Israel is a nation, with a unique culture, and some say a unique race (I'm not sure it there is a unique but common DNA for Jews) with ancient roots in the region.

Palestine is an area populated by Arabs that were disbanded by other Arabs.

Instead of telling Israel to stop harming innocents with as accidental bystanders, tell hamas to stop using the innocents as body armor...

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

I'm sure you know that, in 2005, Israel withdrew from "Palestine" including forcibly removing 50,000 Israeli's.

Then the "Palestinians" elected hamas to operate the zone...