Saturday 18 May 2024

People Who Use Long Words

Don't you just hate people go all sesquipedalianism and use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious? I know i do so you won't be seeing any reference to antidisestablishmentarianism here and i won't be trying to find a way to work pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis into the post, that would just be floccinaucinihilipilification.
Not that i am in anyway a suffer of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia but stuffing a sentence with long words which leads to lots of incomprehensibilities is pointless, it doesn't lead to honorificabilitudinitatibus or anything so i keep away from doing it at all.
Luckily my German is non-existent because  how the hell would the word for the law for the delegation of monitoring beef labeling be included so rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz will be kept firmly out of things and there is nothing super about supercalifragilisticexpialidocious which was a word made up for a movie.
Doctors may need to be able to say pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism or thyroparathyroidectomized but i don't although they may want to take a psychological look at why some people feel the need to
use such long words but as i am not doing that, no need for any psychoneuroendocrinological here thankfully.
This post then is safe for all bibliophobes from Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu in New Zealand to
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch in Wales.

1 comment:

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

i took a class, circa 1985, on improving communications by reducing or even eliminating long words - two or more syllables. as shown below:

we had to write a tech item that shows how the use of small words to share a thought help thoughts flow. no long words. at times it is hard, but most of the time it can be done. Most folks found it hard to do. i think it is worth it. at work, most of my comms stuck to short words. why? comms are meant to share thoughts. not prove how much time you spent in school.

then there was the class to cut out the use of "I" and "me". not as hard to do. worth the work as well... though some comms get a bit long when you skip "I" and "me".