Wednesday 2 October 2024

Finding A Solution To Social Media

We have invented some great stuff but is Social Media one of them?
One way to quantify the value of a product is to find out how many of the people who use it and as half of Western teenagers have a Social Media account with one of the many platforms available, it is very popular but it can be hard for people who don’t like social media to avoid it, because when everyone else is on it, the abstainers begin to miss out on information, trends and gossip. This is especially painful for adolescents.
As Generation Z, defined as people born from 1997 to 2012, are the major users of Social Media, it was they that the Social Psychologist Unit at New York University’s Stern School of Business asked about their own social media use, about their views on the effects of social media on themselves and on society and about what kinds of reforms they’d support.
They found YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok are the most-used platform for Gen Z and spend on average over four hours a day on social media  but interestingly when it comes to the impact on themselves, almost half wishes that social media platforms didn’t exist.
Psychologists have warned about the severe effect on mental state due to information overload and addiction to mobile phone and other gadgets is increasing with a rise in behavioral issues including stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear of missing out and phubbing or ignoring loved ones damaging relationships.
The Social Media sites design their sites to keep people on them and return again and again but if half the users wish it never existed, but keep on using it anyway despite knowing the damage it can cause them mentally, it is hard to see how a solution can be found because a similar battle against cigarettes has been ongoing for decades and that dilemma has never been solved either.


Not really a blog said...

if you want to smoke lucyp, then smoke. you are going to die whether you smoke or not. my dad died from cancer at age 68 and the doctors blamed smoking, but I had two great uncles that lived into their 90's and they smoked so much their fingers were stained from holding the cancer sticks...

three problems revealed in this post - that you seemingly do not recognize.
1.) people complaining about something doesn't mean they want to change it... lots of people like to complain (especially leftists - never happy: global warming, environment change, animal rights, rights for selected-minorities, homophobia, misogyny, water shortages, food shortages, wealth distribution, and on and on and on with the left...)
2. leftists (NYU) are always looking for the next earth shattering problem that they can exploit. Meaning, they can't control communications in the current social media environment, so the left want to use government to control social media so the left can control communications to only present their views - like they control the press and journalists
3. when most people have a problem, they lack the personal discipline to implement change and instead, with the support of the left, press, and journalists, they blame someone else: i'm fat because of mc donalds; i have lung cancer because of tobacco companies; i got a worthless degree at an expensive college and can't afford to pay off my college loan because the boomers broke the economy; i can't afford rent because all landlords are greedy tyrants; my life is doomed because the boomers destroyed the environment...

Falling on a bruise said...

Daniel's back! Not so subtle shoehorning in of as many lefty things as you could in a post about Gen z using Social Media.

Not really a blog said...

ahhhh, you know i'm correct so you attempt to divert... how nice

Anonymous said...

Not diverting, more taking the piss.