Saturday 12 October 2024

More War Crimes Levelled At Israel

The list of War Crimes against Israel continues to grow with shooting at UN soldiers in Lebanon now added to the previous number of international crimes including the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, wilfully causing great suffering, wilful killing, intentional attacks against a civilian population, extermination and murder and persecution.
On the same day that yet another Refugee Camp was hit in Gaza, killing 30 people,  France, Spain and Italy issued stern diplomatic reprimands for the deliberate targeting of international peacekeeping troops which Israel admit to doing 'accidentally' while going after Hamas fighters. That would be accidentally three times in three days then.
Meanwhile, as well as killing people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria, Israel have Iran in their sights which is something Netanyahu has been trying to do for years and now has the chance.
Israel's cabinet met in the week but reportedly failed to reach a decision on how to retaliate for Iran's 200 missiles aimed there way with their backer, America, telling them that attacking Iran's nuclear facilities was off the table as an option.
Also a no-no is the facilities that make up Iran's oil industry which would cause a spike in oil prices which Biden would be keen to avoid as his country goes to the polls so Israel's options are limited although they have said that when it comes, it will be a 'surprise'.
With America unwilling, or more likely unable, to stop it's ally who according to one UN expert on the BBC: 'Is under the impression that it can get away with what it wants to do', what happens next could be a very dangerous moment for the World as Iran have promised to not only hit back at Israel but at anyone backing them which could potentially draw the US into matters and an even bigger conflict.


Not really a blog said...

blah blah blah.

whether Israel is doing something "wrong" or not, all criticisms of Israel support hamas. all criticisms also support the people living Gaza, and the people living in Gaza enable hamas to exist and operate.

Falling on a bruise said...

For someone so desperate to try and make yourself look intelligent, you sure do say some very unintelligent things. Like this. So when i criticized UK and UK in Iraq and Afghanistan wars, i was supporting Saddam's Baath Party and the Taliban? That's your logic or does it only apply to criticizing Israel?

Not really a blog said...

you have a habit of identifying what you think are my motives. you are quite clueless. my intent is simply to call out your manipulations and misuse of information.

Anonymous said...

To be honest your motives are always pretty much signposted, even if you don’t realise (although I would be surprised if you never)

Not really a blog said...

i know, i know, you are brilliant about everything and i'm wrong about everything.

you must admit that it is amazing with my ignorance of the world that i've been married to the same woman for 40 years, have two healthy happy college educated adult daughters, became a multi-millionaire from zero wealth, have great physical health, 4 college degrees, and 60 patents

you are certainly right you attack or ignore everything i opine about every topic. my way is a proven failure, i've just been the luckiest person since forrest gump.

Not really a blog said...

but my goal is to inflict the comfortable (you) and comfort the inflicted (your readers). sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

Case in point, well done, not much else I can add to it.