Wednesday 22 March 2023

Really BIG Numbers

 I heard an interesting fact today which was if each count was one second long, it would take 12 days to count to a million, 32 years to count to a billion and if you started counting when the universe was first formed you would only be at approximately 433,917,000,000,000,000 or 434 quadrillion.
When it comes to numbers, really really big numbers, after a quadrillion i would need to guess what comes next and go with quintrillion, sextillion, septillion and octillion but after that it would be Google which is why i now know it nonillion and then decillion or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to give it it's full 33 zeroes.
My interest peaked, and from playing the game 'What's the biggest number' which some smartarse always answers infinity and then some even smarter arse says infinity plus 1, i knew there must be more after decillion and there is.   
It goes Undecillion, Duodecillion, Tredecillion, Quattuordecillion, Quindecillion, Hexdecillion, Septendecillion, Octodecillion, Novemdecillion, Vigintillion, Unvigintillion, Duovigintillion, Trevigintillion, Quattourvigintillion, Quinvigintillion, Hexvigintillion, Septenvigintillion, Octovigintillion,  Novemvigintillion, Trigintillion, Untrigintillion, Duotrigintillion and then we get to a Googol which is 100 zero's.
After that the World spins the other way and rivers run backwards i assume but by then my brain was leaking out of my ears.

Then i saw there was a Googolplex which is 10(10100) which i couldn't even count how many zero's that is and when would we ever use it?

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