Sunday 5 March 2023

Today is...The Day Joseph Stalin Died

At first there were three Russian Revolutionaries at the head of the Bolshevik Party, Lenin and Trotsky were the brains and Stalin the brawn but after Lenin died from a series of strokes and Trotsky went down with a bad case of ice pick in the head, the only one left was Stalin and with the two intellectuals of the Revolution having left the scene, he quickly set about reducing the Soviet Union population by 42,673,000 and putting himself third in the Worlds Biggest killer list between Adolf Hitler and Genghis Khan.
With the death bell sounding for any notion of the Marxist ideals that the revolution were based upon, as well proving an economic boon for Soviet era undertakers, he put the right willies up the West, especially America who feared an Anarchist Socialist revolution and still today wonderfully confuse Communism, Socialism and Marxism and warn of a coming Commie pinko take over.
During one of the many times of famine, when asked what he was going to do to get more food on the shelves, he replied that shops should build bigger shelves, that was the level of the man who, just in case you missed the earlier sentence, was not the brains of the operation.
Thankfully he died of a cerebral hemorrhage before he could overtake the Mongol leader but he did leave something to at least one member of Soviet Society, someone nicked his hat as he laid in state as well as providing a certain English writer with inspiration for a cartoon about Pigs who overthrow their ruler and corrupt their ideological goals where everyone is supposedly equal and for tens of millions under Stalin they were, all equally dead.