Friday 31 March 2023

Today Is...World Backup Day

Most businesses wisely back up their computer systems daily, personally i am not that wise and tend to forget until something goes wrong and i lose everything and then i wish i had.
I have several thumb drives of varying sizes and all sorts of things to back up on because a few years ago my computer fell silent and i lost absolutely everything.
The full implication didn't hit me until a bit later when i considered what had gone. That's the problem with computers, they eventually give up the ghost and unless you are one of the sensible people who back things up you lose everything.
I seemed to be remembering things almost hourly and cursing that i can't get at them again, not ultra-important things but things i have put effort into over the past few years since the last computer when belly-up.  
Then there was the hassle of choosing a new one and the wide range of choice on offer and the salesman trying to sell one of a number of maintenance packages or extended warranties or virus protection or trying to tell me that this one with the extra RAM would run my applications much faster and it is only an extra £50 and a much better piece of equipment despite me telling him a million times this was the one i wanted as recommended by someone who has probably forgotten more about computers than both of us have ever known.
None of my browsers had any of my bookmarks anymore so i spent hours going back around sites and bookmarking them again and as i always use the 'remember me' box, heaven only knew what the passwords were so i either had to dig them out of somewhere or re-set them all.
The moral of the story for me is to back up my files but i still haven't yet and just know in four or five years time i will be moaning about how I wish i had backed up all my files.

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