Wednesday 22 March 2023

Today Is...The First Day Of Ramadan

Far be it from me to hold any knowledge of other religions, i don't even follow the one i was Christened into but i do have some Muslim friends who observe Ramadan which entails not eating or drinking any liquids from sunrise to sunset.
Those participating will usually wake up early to eat a big meal so that they won't be hungry throughout the day. And those who don't wake up early have a big dinner before going to bed.
As the dates move around then i would be thanking whatever God they have that it is in March at the moment and the time between sun rise and sun set is a lot closer than if it fell in July when it is almost 17 very hungry and very thirsty hours between the Sun making an appearance and then disappearing again.
Apparently it is all to do with spiritual cleansing and the time that the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and the no eating and drinking rule is to ensure that you are not distracted while reflecting on more spiritual matters such as wishing the Sun would hurry up and go down because you're famished.  
Due to the potential of 17 hours without eating or drinking, i don't plan to become a Muslim anytime soon, i am quite happy to be an Atheist and poo-poo the whole God thing but compared to what some of the other religionists go through to prove to their flavour of higher power that they are paying attention, Church of England is a breeze.    
You don't have to do anything like fasting, and while Jews are turning up their noses at bacon sandwiches and Catholics are sweating on the rhythm method, it doesn't cost us anything unlike the Jehovah Witnesses and Scientologists and can carve images of other Gods on a Sunday while blaspheming like a trooper and covering our neighbour's donkey, but as long as we have the split second to repent before we die, we going to end up in the same place as all Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and all the rest of them.
If it exists, i'll cya up there guys, i'll be the one smelling faintly of donkey poop.

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