Sunday 26 March 2023

Thanks But No Thanks For The DU Weapons

With the 20th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq, it is almost perfect timing that the UK announced plans to send tank-busting depleted uranium (DU) ammunition to Ukraine in their battle against Russia.
Two decades may be a while ago but it might be worth remembering that is the depleted uranium weapons that is continuing to kill Iraqi's today by polluting their soil and waterways and has been responsible for the large rises in cancer, miscarriages and birth deformities in Iraq since 2001 according to the Iraqi Health Ministry.
The United Nations Environment Program estimates that some 2,000 tons of depleted uranium spread across 1100 locations in Iraq and Cancers in Iraq catapulted from 40 cases for every 100,000 people in 1991 to 1,600 today and UK and US soldiers who were in contact with the radioactive ammunition also have increased morbidity rates.
The 2016 Chilcot Inquiry into Iraq drew on an important military report which detailed that the UK sees no need clean up its deadly remnants, deciding that the UK’s stance is that chemically toxic and radioactive DU ash from spent munitions is strictly the problem of the country in which the munitions were used, in this case Iraq – and that the UK, which fired the DU shells, has no formal responsibility of cleaning up the mess.
This shows, once again, that nothing has been learned from the Iraq war so Ukraine should say thanks but no thanks, we appreciate the offer but the War is terrible enough without turning our Ukrainian Cities into unlivable, Cancer causing toxic wastelands courtesy of your highly carcinogenic weapons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

or… use weapons that won’t cause cancer to your own citizens and pollute your land for thousands of years.