Tuesday 7 March 2023

Today is...World Plant Power Day

When i first saw this one i misread it as Power Plant Day and was all ready to write a diatribe against Power Plants but then luckily i read it again and realised it was Plant Power to celebrate the benefits of sustainable eating and encourage everyone to embrace plant-based diets and as a Vegetarian i am all over this one.
It has been mentioned to me on more than a few occasions that Adolf Hitler was also a keen vegetarian. Whether these people expect me to then unveil a swastika armband and goose step around their lounge i have not worked out but the assumption is that if Hitler was evil, then vegetarians in general are evil also.
Turns out he wasn't vegetarian at all so i tend to turn it around and say actually, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Aristotle, Diogenes, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates and Voltaire were all vegetarians while Hitler, Stalin, Attila the Hun, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Vlad the Impaler, Caligula, George W Bush, Ivan the Terrible, Bin Laden and Genghis Khan where all meat eaters so you may want to revisit your list of the diet of evil doers.
Research does show that meat consumption is declining and the reasons given are due to an increase in the risk of heart disease, rising meat prices, increased awareness of cruel animal conditions, environmental impact of meat rearing and vegetarian celebrities such as Beyonce and Brad Pitt.
Vegetarians should stop being coy and grab the bull by the horn, or rather grab the fork off meat eaters, because we need to have a conversation about how eating meat is destroying the planet but carnivores can get a bit cranky when told to eat less of the wildlife, all that red meat coursing through their system i guess.
Obviously Governments cannot just ban meat and most people don't seem overly perturbed by the eyeballs and scrapings off the abattoir floor in their sausages and burgers, whining that they can't live on plants but you don't have to i reply while patting them on the head condescendingly, because now we can grow our meat!!
Products are starting to appearing on the market but the problem is getting meat eaters to give up the meat, especially when BSE, the horse meat scandal and various other livestock scandals have not made them switch.
We need sensible, grown up debate to bring across the masses so we are heading towards a World with more rice and beans eating Da Vinci's, Gandhi's and Plato's and less beef and pork eating Hitler's, Genghis Khan's and Idi Amin's so remember that you are what you eat. Enjoy that big, fat pig won't you.


Falling on a bruise said...

It was a pithy reply to the Hitler was a vegetarian thing which obviously sailed straight over your head. Yet again.

Anonymous said...

It really wasn’t that difficult to follow but your reading skills is your issue, not mine.