Sunday 26 March 2023

Today Is...The Day The Book of Mormon Was Published

There are 4,000 major religions in existence all describing themselves as the one true religion and all the rest are made up nonsense so there is always room for one more and it was today in 1830 that Mormonism made an entrance into the busy Religion business.
Despite their Holy Book not being published until 1830, the Mormon movement was began by Rev. John Lothropp two centuries earlier when he was sent to the New World by the British for being too religious and continually moaning that the Church of England was not religious enough and attempted to set up his
own Independent Church.
In a nation created by religious fanatics, his views were embraced more enthusiastically although even he wasn't considered Holy enough even for them and his church failed although his descendants had better luck and created the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons as they became known, the fruit of his loins depressing people on a doorstep ever since.
It wasn't until Joseph Smith Jr came along much later waving his Book Of Mormon after a series of visions in which an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed by an ancient prophet-historian called Mormon that he translated which set out just what Mormonism was all about.
No booze, fags, coffee and tea but you could have multiple wives which he took particularly seriously, racking up 30 Mrs Smiths, despite adult Mormons also having to wear religious underpants as a source of protection from the evils of the world.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, yes, the second 'm' in Mormon is silent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That’s the whole point of science, standing on the shoulders of giants. Theories get pulled around over and examined and if they are found wanting they are discarded unlike something like religion which says this is how it is and won’t budge even when shown to be ridiculous or the evidence points elsewhere.