Wednesday 4 October 2023

15 Minute Cities

Somehow the idea of a 15 minute City where everyone lives within a 15 minute walk or bike ride from all basic services such as schools, clinics or parks has turned into a sinister plot to confine people to their local areas for the sake of the environment.
That would be the nutty Conspiracy theorists again then who have been peddling that the 'real' idea of a 15 minute City will mean nobody will be allowed to travel outside of the their own City and it will be policed by CCTV which would be a bugger for me as my commute is almost 16 cities there and 16 cities back again.  
The ultimate goal is to reduce traffic and emissions because if everything you need is within cycling or walking distance, the car will sit in the garage more and several councils have plans to incorporate 15-minute cities into their future plans while a number of major European cities such as Barcelona and Paris have already began work on them.
I do like a good conspiracy theory, obviously you would need to be as mad as a bag of frogs to believe them, but some do and believe that there are plans afoot to confine people to their local area just like the coronavirus lockdowns but unless they are planning on moving everyone's employer within walking distance, it ain't happening.

1 comment:

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

i like the idea of a 15 minute city. lived that way all of my life except for 4 miserable years in houston.

it is not hard to imagine constraints on movement in a socialist nation - the ussr, cuba, china have proven that socialists nations are willing to limit freedoms - except for the leaders...

in the US they don't talk about such limits on movement, but AOC and the squad pushed the "green new deal" which essentially eliminates air travel (except for military, and government officials - meaning AOC would still be able to fly, and exceptions like hollywood stars because they need to travel too). it also pushes the idea of rail over autos - of course, rail is only in chicago, boston, philly, DC, NYC so the rest of us are screwed...

electric won't work either. outside of the east coast states, you can't get to the next city in one day with an EV... which has the effect of limiting movement.

now, to be clear, i don't believe most american leftists want to limit travel, they just want to impose changes that have that affect. because they don't think anything thru...