Saturday 14 October 2023

Only One Way Out Of This Never-Ending Conflict

On every news channel this past week, the main story has been the attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant group Hamas which horrifically killed more than 1,300 Israelis, most of them civilians, and taking more than 100 hostage.
Israel then responded by ordering a 'complete siege' of Gaza Strip and cutting off their gas, electricity and water and launched massive airstrikes which has killed more than 1,600 Palestinians and displaced more than 263,000 people, the vast majority of them also civilians.
With an Israeli land offensive being lined up Gazan's, in the North have been told to move south and stories are emerging of Israeli rockets landing amongst lines of retreating people so we now have an atrocious situation with civilians on both sides suffering the consequences and the response of our leaders has been utterly despicable because instead sending supplies of much needed food & medicines, they are sending warships to aid a nation which is already armed to the back teeth and giving Israel explicitly unconditional support to collectively punish the 2.38 million people in Gaza.
It is the same situation in Ukraine where rather than calling for a ceasefire on both sides, they send arms which just means more destruction, more death and more war.
I am no friend of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians but nor can i support the extremist murderers which are Hamas, nothing justifies the slaughter of innocent people including babies but sadly, that's exactly what is happening to innocent Palestinians now and will continue to happen until the Palestinian death toll inevitably escalates to such heart wrenching levels that the World unites in it calls for a ceasefire.
Any sympathy Israel receives is immediately devalued by it's disproportionate reaction to any attack and yet they never try to consider why they are being attacked so how can there not be even more attacks on them when nobody is even asking that question?
All the time the question of the Palestinians remained unresolved the cycle of violence will continue and create even more hatred on both sides of the conflict and fuel the next war which will see us back in this same situation, the same situation which has been going on for decades and which UN figures show have led to 7,187 Israeli and 103,826 Palestinian deaths since 2008. 
Warships and aiding and abetting more killing won't help, sensible leadership and finally sorting out an issue which has been dragging on since 1948 is the only way out of further bloodshed and why leaders either can't, or refuse to contemplate, joining up the dots saddens me


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

so, what is the one solution?

stop fighting? that is the solution?

ukraine should call a cease fire, which requires the russians to accept, and negotiate with the russians that invaded them because the russians wanted the territory - oh excuse me, because the ukrainians are nazis.

uki's - just clean up the mess you made and go home, we will get rid of all our nazis, and all will be forgiven. the thousands of families that lost loved ones have it in their hearts to forgive and forget.

russian option 1 - the ukraine is our home. you move out. you are all nazis.

russian option 2 - we are so sorry, you weren't nazis after all. let us help you clean up. can't bring back the dead, sorry. we'll build some statues and some extra nice schools. now we will go back to russia. bygones.

europeans are something (i'm not meaning you Lucy). europeans (in order of harm caused: Brits, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, et al) used military might around the globe to wipe out nations, rob them, then enslave them. Oh yeah, then dumped them in total chaos after ww2. What the US did to the First Nations between 1776 and 1886 is a rounding error compared to what the Europeans did to the First Nations.

Now that the mainstream of Europe is settled, thanks to American intervention since 1946, Europeans broadly call for peace... just call a cease fire and lay down your arms...

wow - not only is this unrealistic, it is hypocritical beyond pale

Lucy, I believe you would do this if you had the power. All you have ever written indicates you are unselfish and seek peace and harmony.

But what you wrote here is fantasy and denies any sort of reality of human history. it further denies the reality of the day - like Syria, the Middle East as a whole, Turkey and the Kurds, China and the Uyghers, China and the South China Sea, China and Taiwan, N Korea and S Korea, India and Pakistan, Africa - the whole continent, and parts of Eastern Europe.

---------- adjacent thought --------------

some people advocate for a single national governing body to fix the world's problems. can you imagine how that would work?
- terror would abound. consider that if not for Israel, the Sunni, Shia, and Kurds would be killing each other over grievances that date back to at least the origin of Islam (circa 600 AD), if not much further back with strife between arabs and persians.
- all of europe, north america, japan, australia, s korea, and taiwan would be stripped of our current life styles so the rest of the world could gain equity - in other words we would be brought down to the poverty level.
- most of south america would be stripped of their wealth (meager as it may be) because they are wealthy compared to Chinese, Indians, and Africans et al. Hell, even Cubans have it good compared to most Africans...
- we'd all drive on the same side of the road, assuming we were allowed to have cars
- i wonder what would happen to language? more chinese and indians than anybody else so hello Mandarin and Hindi and Urdu...
- education would be a hoot...
- the people once called americans would have the metric system crammed down their throats

---------- which leads to one more adjacent thought -------------

a follow up to "1984" might make a good book. who won the never ending war? was there really a war? if Big Brother won what would the whole world look like - because the world of Big Brother sucked bad... what did the other side look like? Were there other nations or alliances?

Anonymous said...

Only solution is to allow Palestine its own land unmolested and not under military occupation. Anything else just continues the status quo.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

it was like that Lucy, then in 1967 syria and egypt decided to invade israel which is how we got to the current occupation situation.

iran is never going to accept israel's existence for these reasons:
- keeps iran from dominating the middle east
- iran's leaders hate jews
- muslims hate jews
- syria wants the territory that is israel

So, try another answer

if the Arabs, Persians, and Muslims really cared about Palestinians they would give them another spot of worthless land somewhere in one of the relatively huge muslim-based nations.

when i worked for brown & root we literally built cities for Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. we'd build a city for say, 30 thousand people, then we'd move them in over a few weeks. spot of sand became streets, buildings, utilities, etc., then the spot of sand became a town full of people.

or they could just welcome them into their many and various large cities.

towns can be built for the Palestinians, except nobody (syria, iran, egypt, iraq, turkey, libya, et al) in the Middle East wants the Palestinians. the various muslims just use the palestinians as an excuse to attack Israel.

one exception to the above, palestinians can become Israeli citizens. things might go a lot better for palestinians if they rejected hamas and embraced israel.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

this past week a common meme from the american left and palestinians was "coast to river".

Doesn't that mean most or all of Israel? I think it does...

PS - the left and Palestinians being aligned is a bizarre combination because Arabs and Persians aren't exactly known for tolerance of leftist ideals and it might be interesting to see their reaction to a transgender march in Tehran - don't you think.