Thursday 5 October 2023

Today Is...World Teachers’ Day

The saying is that those who can't, teach but that is so wrong because being a teacher is one of the toughest jobs in the world with long hours, grading papers at night and planning lessons on weekends to instruct large classrooms of students who mostly don't want to be there and dealing with their parents if the little darlings misbehave.
That said it can also be one of the most rewarding because a teacher is best placed to change the kids lives for the better, building confidence and giving them lessons which will (mostly) stay with them through their adult life.
When i was teaching it was in Further Education so i didn't really have too much interaction with Parents but that is the part i would struggle with, especially if they criticize your methods or your teaching plans and even worse if you see the parent has obviously done the homework for their child, the amount of teachers i know who have shown me different handwriting on the home-work where an adult has done it for them.
The internet also bring problems for teachers, a few years ago i had an email from a teacher in America. Apparently he had set his class some homework to write on a topic and half the class turned in almost identical reports so the teacher wrote it into the school's plagiarism software and traced it back to one of my posts.
The class had obviously stumbled across my blog and a post on whichever the subject was, i think it was a Christmas one, and pretty much copied and pasted it and turned it in.
Amusingly, the teacher said that most of the students hadn't even de-Englishfied it and it was full of English spellings and America don't seem to make use of one of five vowels so even if just one of them had done it, they would have been sprung anyway.  
Now i have no problem with copyright, once i click the post button i send my posts out into the wild to fend for themselves and therefore available to anyone to do what they want with them if they wish, but a word of advice for students if their teacher is currently looking at bunch of homework books and wondering why it looks suspiciously like that English woman's post on renewable energy.
By all means take what i say if you want and paste it into a Word Document and claim you spent hours writing it but at least change some of the words, stick it through a Thesaurus, delete some bits and add some bits to disguise it but at the very least, if you are not sat in an English classroom, de-Englishfy it.
Happy to help.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

teaching in america is not hard, and the hours are not long.

i had three sisters that were teachers, and a mom, and an aunt, and an uncle, and four cousins.

they didn't grade all night, and they didn't work weekends. and they were off 10 weeks each summer. and a week at christmas. and a week for spring break. and most of a week for thanksgiving. of on labor day, and presidents day, and two days for easter.

and they have excellent health insurance, and an excellent pension.

and, they teach the same content year after year so don't even have to learn anything new (try doing that as an accountant, programmer, engineer, medical professional, etc.). well - they did if they worked for a school that rewrote american history...

so, bs

Falling on a bruise said...

'teaching (sic) in america (sic) is not hard, and the hours are not long'...that explains a lot.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

it does. just one reason the UK has declined and the US has soared.

the biggest failure in US education is much like the failure in UK education, we don't know how to teach journalists to be open minded, fair, or educated in anything except misinformation. terrible

lucy, if ten tests were randomly selected from subjects taught in college, and we both took the tests, my scores would wipe you out.

your only hope of scoring better than me on even one test would be if there was journalism or UK history test.

- maths, i destroy you
- business/economics, wipe out
- sciences, you would be destroyed (i was a chemistry major until i went computer sci)
- world history, i win big (all that geopolitical analysis i did)
- political science, me win again
- grammar, i concede you win because i never cared about dangling participles
- literature, you'd be surprise how well read i am, though i think fiction is boring
- arts, ha ha, you'd be surprised again, daughter has BFA and wife is artist
- education, damn, i'm a certified adult instructor, designed and taught classes, uh oh

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

did you know that since ww2 the US has given the UK $86 billion so the UK can protect itself? even with all that help the UK is a second tier nation now. wow.