Wednesday 15 May 2024

Hey Men, Drive Like Women

Some of my posts may be contentious but we are firmly in uncontroversial territory here because this one is about why are men such bad drivers?
In France 84% of fatal road accidents are caused by men and the figures aren’t much better for the UK so why can’t everyone drive like us women?
The French safety awareness organisation, Victims and Citizens, has just unveiled a series of posters that read: “Drive like a woman'.
This isn't just the French being typically French and trying to start an argument because they have statistics to back it up which state that according to the French government, 84% of fatal road accidents and 93% of drink-driving crashes in France are caused by men.
The French are said to be among the most aggressive drivers in Europe with 91% routinely break the speed limit, 65% using their phones while driving, and 32% admitted to deliberately hitting the vehicle of a driver that annoyed them which all lead to 3,000 road deaths a year..
Analysis of British drivers show that men are almost three times as likely as women to be involved in accidents that kill or seriously injure pedestrians and in America male drivers were involved in 72.3% of fatal crashes on US roads so wherever you go, the ones with testicles are causing more serious road accidents than the sex which hasn't.
So how do we all drive like women? The French suggest be more cautious and less aggressive, slow down, be patient, leave a sensible gap between you and the car in front of you which may mean that it will take you longer to get where you are going, but you and the people around you would all get there alive and you won't be scraping bits of pedestrians off your front bumper which seems fair.
I understand that men will be mumbling is there anything they can do like a man and of course there is, you can park for us when we get there because driving like a woman is one thing but parking like one is probably not the best idea. Over to you men, just not too far away, you will then have to carry the shopping in from where you park up.

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