Tuesday 21 May 2024

ICC Hunting Israeli And Hamas War Criminals

It may be woefully late but finally the International Criminal Court has got around to issuing arrest warrants for members of the Hamas leaders and the Israeli Government for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip since October 8 2023.
My question would be why only charge the Israeli Government for war crimes since 2023 because they have been literally getting away with murder with the backing of it's useful idiot ally America for decades, occupying, attacking and killing unarmed Palestinians, building a wall that incarcerates a whole population, holding over 9000 Palestinians in its prisons without charge, destroying farms, bulldozing homes and businesses, building apartments on occupied land in defiance of United Nation Resolutions and building a secret nuclear weapon program.
The United Nations has 65 resolutions against Israel including in 2019 when a UN investigation into the killing of 183 protesters in Gaza concluded that Israel committed war crimes and crimes against humanity with soldiers intentionally using live ammunition against children, women, journalists, health workers and people with disabilities resulting in over 6,000 people injured and 183 killed.
The charges against the Hamas leaders include extermination, murder, hostage taking, rape and other acts of sexual violence, torture and cruel treatment while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant are alleged to be criminally responsible for a number of international crimes including the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, wilfully causing great suffering, wilful killing, intentional attacks against a civilian population, extermination and murder and  persecution.
The next step is for the three ICC judges to rule on whether the arrest warrants can be issued, expected to be a rubber stamp exercise, which will allow any country to arrest any of the named war criminals to be arrested and handed over to the Hague for trial.
With boring predictability, Netanayhau called it antisemitism and 'a moral outrage of historic proportions' while Hamas issued a statement strongly denouncing decision as it 'equates the victim with the executioner'.
As the Hamas leadership is holed up in Qatar and Israel's chief ally is America and neither are signed up to the ICC, it is unlikely any arrests would be made in those nations but the ICC was at pains to point out that there is no direct comparisons between the two sides, except to lay out his claim that they have both committed a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity which  human rights groups have applauded the way that the ICC is to applying the law to both sides.
The issuing of the warrant would put Netanyahu in the same unattractive war criminal category as Vladmir Putin, Colonel Gaddafi, Klaus Barbie, Eichmann, Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Radovan Karadžić , Ratko Mladić, Saddam Hussein, Candido Noriega and the entire Khmer Rouge regime, which is not attractive company and Netanyahu, Gallant and the Hamas leadership will not be able to travel to any country that is a member of the court, for fear of arrest which means 124 countries will be out of bounds, including the UK and most of Europe and would make it almost impossible for nations to do business with a government whose leader is wanted for war crimes.

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