Thursday 13 June 2024

A Post About Neuroscience And Brain Bits

A post heavy on Neuroscience isn't that exciting but nor is the mathematical Pederson Index so feel free to click onto the next post because there isn't much i can do to make this a fun read unless reading about political adverts triggering parts of the brain is how you get your kicks in which case, knock yourself out.  
The British electorate, apparently has been more volatile than ever in recent years with the elections of 2015 and 2017 seeing the highest number of voters switching parties in modern history and the Pederson Index is a mathematical equation which measures the change within the electoral party system resulting from individual vote transfers. See, wish you had moved onto the post about Metal and Punk bands now aren't you, i did warn you.
In late 1960s Britain, the Pedersen index stood at just over 10%, now it is 40% which all means a large number of voters are not sticking with the same party but switching it around and there is a debate over whether this is due to Social Media and politicians reaching out to voters with their message and the influence it has on the brain, or the part of the brain, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, that responds to fear and emotion.
Science has found that voters are more susceptible to messages that stress the negative rather then the positive as Evolution has conditioned us to be driven by fear when we are under threat.
The right wing politicians tend to delve into the negative more than the left hence Rishi Sunak's warning about the world being 'more dangerous than ever' and the nuclear deterrent but the bad news for the Conservatives is that voters tend to view the economy as their bellweather and voters change their minds based on economic performance and once a government has been associated with economic ills such as Liz Truss's car crash of a budget, they get blamed even if the economy is in recovery.
Obviously good news for Labour even if not for the Conservatives but it shows that despite all of Sunak's promised tax cuts and higher spending, the polls haven't shifted at all and they are on course for a tanking of Biblical proportions and serves them right.


Anonymous said...

It was right wing politicians and I am not a politician, if I was things would be very different.

Falling on a bruise said...

you might recall just a few weeks ago you agreed EVERYTHING IS WORSE

- racism is worse than ever (nope, much worse before)
- sexism is worse than ever (nope, much worse before)
- homophobia is the worst ever (nope, much worse before)
- economic disparity is worse than ever (true)
- all the rain forests are being destroyed (true)
- the coral reefs are being destroyed (true)
- the soil is being eroded away (true)
- we are out of water (nobody has said this)
- acid rain will wipe out all humanity (haven't heard anybody say this)
- men get paid more than women even though women work twice as hard (haven't heard anybody say this)
- women soccer players don't make as much as men soccer players (true but that is because they don't generate the income male footballers do)
- hate speech must be forbidden (true)
- AI is unfair to minorities, women, and homosexuals (I haven't heard anybody say this)
- democracy is on the verge of failure in the US (no idea)
- Israel wants to kill all arabs, persians, and muslims (genodide) (nope, just the Palestinians on what they view as their land)

Out of the 15 statement, i agreed with 5 and 3 of them was about the planet being destroyed by our own stupidity so typically shoddy Quentin...again.

Anonymous said...

Wow you really are fraying at the edges, can’t see I disagreed with any of them? Oh boy you REALLY need to take some time off blogs.