Monday 3 June 2024

Biden's Gaza Peace Gamble

Joe Biden really hasn't done himself any favours in backing the Genocide currently underway by Israel in Gaza. Seeing his supporters slipping away for his uneven backing of the nation actually committing Genocide did not play well but handing Israel the military and financial backing while not placing limits on how they could be used has resulted in 36,000 deaths so far but an end to it all seemed to be within touching distance on Friday when the US President announced a peace deal and urged Hamas to accept it, just as he said Israel had done.  
Hamas duly said they ready to engage in a positively and constructive manner with the proposal but it was the Israeli Government who turned it down, saying they would not talk peace until Hamas was destroyed so what was going on?  
It appears that Biden's team had been speaking to Senior Israeli military officials who said that Hamas has been degraded sufficiently to be of little threat and in a snub to Benjamin Netanyahu, talking to Netanyahu's political rival Benny Gantz who has threatened to leave the War Cabinet.
The rationale would be to isolate Netanyahu, the UK's Foreign Secretary immediately gave his backing to the deal as did the former American president Barack Obama as an estimated 120,000 people are believed to have rallied in Tel Aviv to pressure Israel's government to approve the deal outlined by Biden to release the 120 of the 252 people taken still held as hostages.
Mr Netanyahu's office said on Saturday: 'Any notion that Israel would agree a permanent ceasefire before the destruction of Hamas' military and governing capabilities was a non-starter' and that Israel's conditions of the destruction of Hamas as a genocidal terrorist organisation have not changed.
If attempting to bounce Israel into ending the war works, then this will be a smart diplomatic move but he knows that Benjamin Netanyahu has been making him look a fool over the past few months, trampling all over any red lines Biden had drawn but if Israel continues their genocidal actions, the only action which will work is for Biden to withdraw the backing, financial and military, to Israel, recognise Palestine at the UN and give up its ridiculous Veto which has given Israel so much succor over decades and allowed it to act with impunity against its neighbour.

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