Thursday 13 June 2024

What You Proud About Joe?

I don't know much about the Hunter Biden case, as i understand it he was convicted of buying a handgun but lied about his crack cocaine addiction on the relevant form when he bought a handgun in 2018.
Biden pleaded not guilty and his reasoning was that he was in recovery from drug addiction at the time and was therefore truthful on the gun application form but the Jury said 'nah' and found him guilty of three charges.
As this is America and in some states you can legally buy a gun even if you are legally or completely blind (true story), then it is nice to know that not just anyone can walk into a shop or supermarket and pick up a gun with their pint of milk in the morning.
Apparently you can't buy a gun if you are a convicted criminal, have a mental health illness or if they are not a US citizen and i guess being a drug addict comes under the mental illness section.
Anyway, i have raged about America's batshit crazy gun laws enough times and what really caught my ears was after the conviction, Joe Biden taking about how he is 'proud' of his son Hunter.
Proud of a son who is a drug addict, lied to buy a firearm and faces possible jail time for it? Proud may not be the right word here.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

he said he is proud of his sons recovery. not an easy thing. even when you have millions of dollars from extortion backed by your father's influence and veep.

hunter shouldn't get jail time. he doesn't seem like a violent person. prison is for the violent people...

why shouldn't a blind person be able to own a gun, car, plane, boat, TV, or books? you are being a bit of a bigot.

ps - drug addiction is not a disease. it is a bad choice. the remedy is to treat it like a disease. but nobody gets a drug addiction disease from nature. a professional journalist would use more precise language.

Anonymous said...

I never said it was a disease. Someone with such an awful record of not reading things properly really should try harder. Seriously, are you struggling with something?

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

i didn't say you called it a disease. I said it isn't a disease.

in the US, that is one of the favorite mantras of the left.

ex 1 - bill clinton can't help it, he has a disease, he has a "sexual obsession disease".
ex 2 - drug addicts don't want to have an addiction, it is a disease...

then the left say we need the federal government to tax away all the profits of the oppressive profit makers so the government can take of all the oppressed - like people with a drug addiction disease...