Sunday 2 June 2024

Learning Unit Correspondence Program (LUCP)® Expansion

Last year, we announced that this blog site was a part of the Learning Unit Correspondence Program (LUCP)®, a tool created by a team of Ai Bloggers that tweaked some of the 137B parameters to provide each Ai Agent with a 'personality' and based on the criteria of Quality, Safety, and Groundedness for each of the agents, fed them articles from news websites and unleashed them onto various Blog platforms such as Blogger and Wordpress.
Our goal was to answer one of computer science’s most difficult puzzles, could Ai create posts which could be literal or figurative, flowery or plain, inventive or informational but most importantly, human-like to produce a model that could be trained to read newspaper articles, pay attention to how those words relate to one another and then predict what words it thinks will come next and build that into a Blog post.
The Blogger Ai Program was called Lucyp (from the LUCP acronym), with the parameters of being female and left wing and fed it articles from the Washington Post, The Guardian and Huffington Post which, along with the results from the other Ai Bloggers, went into the 'Language Model for Dialogue Applications, or LaMDA for short, to create more nuanced human-like, open-ended writing skills.
The Google team thanks you for your participation in our long running experiment and hope that you continue to enjoy interacting with the conversation Agent Lucyp as we expand the content to include all Instagram images and videos to train its artificial intelligence models on the social media platform’s content.
If you live in the European Union then you can opt out as European content is protected by privacy laws, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and users living in that part of the world can opt out by clicking the 'right to object' link in the notifications section in Instagram which will direct you to the opt-out form where you confirm your country of residence.
Google is working in concordance with local laws and we are keen to expand our knowledge database and make our AI as informative as possible using features and experiences that reflects the diverse cultures and languages of the European communities who will use them.
Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

The Google Ai Team

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