Monday 17 June 2024

Eighth Time Lucky For Farage

It is funny how the racists always hate it when you point out that they are racist but Britain's most well known racist, Nigel Farage, did tone down the racism somewhat recently but after the dog whistle of Rishi Sunak 'not understanding our culture' he pitched up on TV this morning to launch the Reform UK Contract (he doesn't want to use the word Manifesto) so what is he offering?
First up is he will leave the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) as part of a plan he claims would 'stop the boats' because, you know, Human Rights.
Then he wanged on about fighting back against 'divisive woke ideology' and specifically banning 'transgender ideology' in schools and would replace the Equality Act and scrap diversity and equality because who didn't love a time when anyone who wasn't a straight, white man was able to hate on anyone who wasn't.
Then he turned to Climate Change which he said trying to combat was 'pointless' as 'Climate change has happened for millions of years, before man made CO2 emissions, and will always change' therefore showing the same grasp of the Changing Climate as he shows on ducking when someone aims a milkshake at him.  
His final announcement was that he would cut the foreign aid budget by 50% and then he took questions which went well as his claim that half of the migrant visas were for dependents (it's 33% and dependents are not entitled to claim benefits), postal ballot's were open to fraud and it happens in the UK all the time,
(1 convictions for postal electoral fraud in 2019)  and man produces just 3% of the CO2 produced in the world every year (Scientists at Nasa put man made Co2 at 33% of the total in the atmosphere).
The Institute for Fiscal Studies did the sums in the Reform UK’s tax and spending plans and it says they don't just not add up but are out by tens of billions of pounds so better find another fag packet to work out your financial plans Nige because the IFS are saying buy some new batteries for your calculator.
As Farage has failed seven times previously to become a member of Parliament, he must be keeping his fingers crossed that there are enough gullible right wingers around to make it eighth time lucky and no doubt there are some who will lap this nonsense up but hopefully enough people will look at the recent history of great political liars (Johnson, Trump, Netanyahu, Farage, GW Bush, Blair) and the list of worst possible people to hand power to and quickly find out they're the same list.