Wednesday 5 June 2024

Voting Photo ID

It was quite amusing that Boris Johnson, the man who actually introduced photo Id to be able to vote, was turned away recently because he forgot to bring his when he went to vote at the local election's but it was always a solution looking for a problem because while it was introduced to stop election fraud, only 1 person was caught fraudulently trying to vote at the last election but the Conservatives themselves admitted later that it was never the reason it was introduced.
Mandatory photographic ID for voters was introduced via the Election Act 2022 and in the 2023 local elections, the Electoral Commission recorded that approximately 14,000 electors attempted to vote but were turned away because they lacked accepted ID and did not return however, they admit that this is likely to be an underestimate as many voters were turned away by 'greeters' outside the polling station and were not recorded in the official figures.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, when he was Leader of the House of Commons In Boris Johnson's cabinet, suggested the Conservatives introduced voter ID to: 'boost their election chances but we found the people who didn't have ID were elderly and they by and large voted Conservative, so we made it hard for our own voters and we upset a system that worked perfectly well'. He added that there was 'no evidence that voter fraud was a serious problem'.
The Government said that it was a safeguard against: 'the possibility of election fraud' which isn't what they said at the time, making it sound as if it was rife.
What it did do was reduce turnout at elections, a Electoral Commission report found that 4% of non-voters gave voter ID as the reason that they did not vote, 8% of people said that voter ID made them less likely to want to vote which with a voting age population of 46,560,452, if the 4% was replicated at the General Election would result in 1,862,418 lost votes.
When asked if Labour would scrap the Photo ID requirement, Keir Starmer said that: 'We haven’t got great plans' which i hope he only meant for the Photo ID thing and not in general but then if it works for Labour, and it was a sneaky Conservative idea which came back to bite them on the arse, then why would he change it?

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