Saturday 8 June 2024

UN Showing Nobody Above International Law

Genocide, War Crimes and crimes against humanity have been joined by causing the death of children and nations around the World are now realising Israel will dodge ever allowing Palestine to exist and America is more of a hindrance and bypassing it and recognising Palestine    
The Gaza death toll is approaching 36,000 and Palestinians are also dying in record numbers in the Occupied West Bank and some in Israel are now seeing just how it is playing out in the outside world with the Haaretz newspaper saying Israel is fast becoming a global pariah.
Some western politicians, America mainly, disagree and try to persuade others that Israel is fighting a 'just' war but scenes of bombed hospitals, homes, shelters, food aid delivers and tent villages deemed 'safe areas' as well as a horrific death toll is a hard sell and the vast majority are not buying it.
Netanyahu and Biden have also raged against Israeli and Hamas leaders being named equally as committing criminal offences but a war crime and genocide are war crimes and genocide regardless of who is committing them and both should be charged and prosecuted as such but it seems some Western leaders have a problem understanding that concept.
Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 people last October was appalling and criminal and they must punished but Israel’s disproportionate and lethal attack in Gaza should see those who perpetrated it also be punished.
The UN is showing that nobody is above International Law and everyone has the right to protection, be they Palestinian or Israeli and that is what some don't like because it puts a Palestinian life on an equal basis as an Israeli life but that is how it should be and the leaders of both sides are war criminals and should be treated as so.


Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

No, the un is showing that it is a blatantly political body. and a useless one at that. i have no idea why the US bothers with the un at all. and i'm sick of the US providing the un with more than $0.00.

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

at least we can agree that hamas is appalling. they couldn't exist without the tacit support of the people around them. reminds of southerner's and the kkk.

i do not agree that forming a palestinian state will lead to peace. when has the middle east ever had peace (except when repressed by european nations?). the middle east is almost as volatile as europe which brought the world a millennium of war including two world wars.

assuming such a state is created in palestine. i must admit that it is possible for all the hate for Israel will decline. just like it is possible that iran will stop using proxies to attack Israel. but all that seems unlikely to happen in our lifetimes.

muslim leaders hate non-muslims.
muslim leaders hate other sects of islam.
persians (iranians) and arabs hate each other.
iran has an imperative to dominate the middle east region.
turkey has an imperative to dominate the middle east region.
egypt has an imperative to keep iran from dominating the middle east region.
saudi arbia has an imperative to keep iran from dominating the middle east region.
Israel has an imperative to keep iran from dominating the middle east region.
china's oil demand (plus japan and india) and trade route importance insure conflict.
iran just cannot let peace exist without dominating the region and its economic resources.
iran cannot dominate the region because of Israel...

Liber - Latin for "The Free One" said...

the un is a stupid waste of resources. is a good example of how difficult it is to get rid of any governing entity no matter how feckless...

now the international court of justice is going to investigate russia's use of cyberattacks against to Ukraine to see if the actions are "war crimes"... for real.

no words exist to describe the inane, stupid, feckless, egotistical, banal, worthless, waste that is the internal court of justice. see? even all those words don't describe the truth. the people on that court, and the people that support it in its current state of operations should be so embarrassed to be associated with the court that they slink away and hide like gollum with their precious...

without provocation, russia invades Ukraine (no darling of the planet for sure), kills untold numbers of defenders and civilians, smashes cities, and threatens the world, and the international court of justice is going to investigate russia's use of cyber warfare...

brilliant... only a snobbish, smug, arrogant, idiot would think their investigation matters.

Anonymous said...

The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and other Russians last year. Now tell me again how you are on top of current affairs. Maybe you should have asked someone first.