Friday 7 June 2024

They May Be Right About The Apocalypse One Day

Most religions have the world ending in an Apocalypse, in Christianity it's the final battle on Earth between the forces of God and Satan and Hinduism offers a version in which Vishnu returns to battle evil as a figure on a white horse while in Islam Jesus returns to slay an anti-Christ and Judaism the Day of the Lord in which God causes death and destruction to people who deserve to be punished.
Obviously as i am here to write it and you are here to read it, it hasn't happened yet but it hasn't stopped some people giving the exact date and who knows maybe one day someone will get it right but it is doubtful than the end of the World will come from any of the 4,000 plus Gods and deities we have dreamed up so far.
The earliest date was when St. Martin of Tours became absolutely convinced that the world was going to end on or just before AD 400 but the only thing that ended was Martin himself just before AD 400 when he died.
Monk Beatus of Liébana was the next to have a go at the End Is Night prediction when he said April 6th, 793 would be the last day so we can only assume how gutted he was when April 7th 793 happened.
Jean de Roquetaillade spent 5 years studying religious texts and came up with 1366 for things going Apocalyptic but whoever was in charge of ending life on Earth didn't turn up so on we went to painter Sandro Botticelli who even went as far to make a painting of it all and gave everyone until 1504 to view it but no need to rush as 500 years later it is still there to gawp at.
Astronomer Johannes Stöffler studied the movement of the planets and noticed a strange planetary alignment, took it as a sign and somehow concluded that the world would be and ex-world on February 20, 1524 and then when February 20 1524 came and went changed it to 1528 and when that didn’t happen either he gave up and left it to Pierre d’Ailly who calculated how long humans had been on earth and the 7,000th year of human existence was going to be the last and he made that 1555.
As it never happened mankind somehow made it to 1689 and waited with bated breath for the Anti-Christ that high profile Protestant Pierre Jurieu said was absolutely coming although it absolutely wasn't so on we go to 1831 and American Preacher Harriet Livermore who explained that Christ’s Millennium was at hand, then at hand in 1842, again in 1844 and then finally in 1847 before deciding maybe predicting Apocalypses wasn't her strong suit.
Jonas Wendell was a Pennsylvania preacher who thought that Livermore was on to something but her maths was a bit wonky so spent all his time studying the Bible and preaching 1868 was actually the year then when it never he did the maths again and said oops, i meant 1873 although inevitably, 1873 came and went without the Second Coming
1977 turned up and left again which knackered William Branham's prediction and he said he was a prophet with the anointing of Elijah from biblical times with the foresight of when the rapture would occur and was given the 1977 date by an Angel but rather than ruin the British Queen's Silver Jubilee year, it passed by uneventfully and we end, figuratively speaking in December 21st 2012 which is when the ancient Mayan's said the war Deity, Bolon Yokte, would descend upon us with great vengeance and furious anger but it turned out that the Mayans were about as good at forecasting the end of the World as i am about forecasting the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest.
Apocalypse fans though should still have some faith though because The Messiah Foundation International preach that a massive asteroid is hurtling toward our planet, on course to collide in 2026 and in a shocking twist, will bring about the Rapture and Isaac Newton may be known as the man who discovered Gravity but you do wonder just hard that apple hit him on the head as he calculated from the Book of Revelations that mankind will come to a screeching halt in 2060 so you may get your wish yet, although probably not.


Falling on a bruise said...

weak-minded of the world..aka religious folk?

Anonymous said...

I’m not which is why I ask people who are and are qualified and experienced in that field. You don’t?