Saturday 22 June 2024

Dangerous Lies About Climate Change Kill

For decades, the truth about smoking was obscured by a web of deceptive myths and misleading claims. Tobacco companies, through marketing and advertising, spread numerous falsehoods that downplayed the dangers of cigarettes. Many people were led to believe that smoking was not only safe but also beneficial in various ways. It wasn’t until extensive research and public health campaigns revealed the true risks of smoking that these myths were debunked.
It was glamourised in movies, advertisements, and literature, often associated with sophistication, rebellion but as scientific research in the mid-20th century began to reveal the health risks associated with smoking, public perception began to shift so the cigarette manufacturers hot back by claiming Light Cigarettes were Healthier and marketed as a healthier alternative to regular cigarettes.
They also said that filters made cigarettes safer, secondhand smoke was harmless, there was no link between cigarettes and cancer and hid the information from the public, said that it could be used as a diet aid, it wasn't addictive, said smoking was safe for pregnant women and even advertised that doctors said smoking is good for you.
Might be worth remembering the lies and deceit the cigarette companies went to to hock their products when the anti-Climate Change brigade start up their immoral lies about how the Climate isn't changing such as Nigel Farage who dismissed it after the biggest donor to his Reform party was shipping magnate Terence Mordaunt, former head and now trustee of The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWFP) whose stated aims are to 'challenge damaging and harmful policies to mitigate global warming' and has written a cheque for £200,000 to Reform UK.
Another wealthy donor to Reform is Jeremy Hosking, who has more than £100m invested in fossil fuel interests and has donated £1,5m to the rightwing party and Jon Moynihan, a Conservative donor who has given more than £700,000 to the Tories and was given a peerage by the ex-prime minister Liz Truss, is also making donations worth tens of thousands to the GWPF.
The Tory peer Lord Nigel Vinson has given thousands to GWPF and Tory peer Michael Hintze, has given more than £4.8m to the Conservatives, is also a GWPF donor and donated thousands to the energy secretary, Claire Coutinho, who has lambasted Labour’s plans to end North Sea oil and gas extraction and criticised 'net zero zealots'.
Peter Geoghegan, from Democracy for Sale, said: 'The most prominent face of climate change denial in Britain is being bankrolled by Conservative donors with seats in the House of Lords and the GWPF is being funded by Tory peers and has close ties to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK goes to show how climate denying money is influencing our politics.'
Might want to remember that next time some useful idiot with a increased bank balance from donations appears on TV saying Climate Change is a hoax , it blatantly isn't and the climate experts at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict an excess of 250,000 deaths per year by 2050.


Anonymous said...

See what happens if you don’t ask people with experience and knowledge you end up saying things like no proof and looking silly. At least the other useful idiots are getting paid for saying ridiculous things, you are doing it for free.

Falling on a bruise said...

you (sic) are the idiot not me. I beg to differ.

you (sic) could check into the scientists that challenge the climate models. You once quoted David Icke and i remember me and Cheesy mocking you. That is like quoting Donald Trump on Women's rights.

but (sic) you are just an ignorant tool that wants to impose tyrannical changes to save the environment. Nope, unfortunately i am not far enough up the Governmental chain to impose any rule to save the environment, tyrannical or otherwise.

see (sic) how stupid you look now (sic). Well one of us does and as i pointed out, you are not even being paid to look this stupid.