Thursday 11 April 2024

12 Years For A Plan B

I don't know who came up with the figure but apparently we need £43,100 a year in our retirement to live a happy and comfortable old age so with 12 years to go until i can open my Happy Retirement cards, my options are to start some serious saving or come up with a Plan B.
The state pension is currently £221 a week, or just under £11,500 per year which is the 17th in Europe where Luxembourg sit in first place, paying their pensioners £5,211 per month and to get it you must have paid Pension Insurance Contributions for at least 10 years so that's an option, i could go work in Luxembourg for the last 10 years of my working life but that would mean learning Luxembourgish so may have to rethink that.
I could do what many pensioners have to do and keep working for ever but that won't leave much time for sitting around moaning about the younger generation and endlessly telling them how everything was much better in my day so that's not ideal.
The Taxpayers Alliance  issued a report which shows that over a lifetime, an average earning employee will pay £107,045 in National Insurance Contributions (NIC) which means i would have to live until i am blowing out the candles on my 78th Birthday Cake to receive more than i paid in else it goes into  the big pot named Government Coffers to spend on whatever they want.
I therefore have another 12 years to work out my Plan B for a comfortable retirement but luckily, there is a nice government in power that cares about it's elderly people, unfortunately it’s in Luxembourg.

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