Sunday 7 April 2024

End Of The World (Again)

The end of the world is coming and it will start in Illinois on Monday according to some of the conspiracy theories running rampant about the coming solar eclipse.
Republican congresswoman, Majorie Taylor Greene, says she thinks it is a sign from God that America needs to repent its sins, saying: 'God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.
Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come' which is wonderfully whack-a-doodle but right-wing commentator (it's always right wing commenters), Alex Jones, is flapping his gums about
globalists 'using the solar eclipse as a justification for the nefarious plans they intend to carry out'.
Obviously not wanting to be outdone in the crazy stakes are the religionists who are saying that it is the end of days and Monday will be the end of the world, starting in Carbondale, Illinois but before
you laugh, they have evidence.
Apparently they have mapped the eclipse's path of totality and it either six, seven or eight (depending on who you read) places called Nineveh and Nineveh is mentioned in the Bible so the theorists are
leaping to the conclusion that it really isn't worth many any appointments for Tuesday.
I would go out on a limb and say i think you will be okay to make their dental or hairdressers appointment because, and whisper this quietly, a full eclipse takes place roughly every 18 months or so
and i think we would have noticed if the World ended after a previous one so i think you will be alright.

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