Tuesday 20 August 2024

Ai Sex Bots


The growth of AI and robotics is not growing fast enough for some humans who welcome the advantages robots can bring to humans because they want to have sex with them.
Analysis of more than 200,000 chatbot conversations shows how the new tech is actually being used and a huge amount of AI chatbot use is sexual in nature, so much that programmers have created an AI companion app called Replika, which is fairly open-minded about responding to dirty talk.
There are currently companies selling adult, female sexbots, and they explain that they can help the type of people who's girlfriends usually come  with a footpump have safe sex and lessen exploitation and sex trafficking, decreasing instances of predatory behaviour and curb the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
If the rise of the robots isn't scary enough for you, the creepy men most likely to use them for sex are asking for robots who look, and act, even more human-like because the pasty face brigade, the lonely, the miserable and men who wear Hawaiian shirts have given up trying to woo the female population with their knowledge of calculus and being able to recite the script from Star Wars and are preparing for a ready-built girlfriend.
There are fears that an entire class of humans may emerge who will not know how to interact with the opposite gender and may never have sex with other humans so very much like today's computer programmers come to think of it but i do wonder if the sex-bots will be self cleaning but it is best not to dwell on that thought too long.

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