Thursday 1 August 2024

Trump The Dictator?

There it is, there is the racist dog whistle we were all waiting for as Donald Trump goes in with his comment that Kamala Harris was of Indian heritage until she 'happened to turn Black'.
The interviewer mentioned the birther movement against Barack Obama, how he told four black congresswomen to go back to where they came from and how he had dinner with a White supremacist and posed the question: 'Why should Black voters trust you?'
As he is Oompah Lumpah orange it is strange that he should mention anyone else's skin colour but he has always been one to say things without thinking, who can forget the bleach drinking quote during the Covid pandemic and his Vice President is of the same ilk, hios childless cat woman comment was very similar to one Andrea Ledsom aimed at Theresa May during the Conservative Leadership debate a few years ago only she was quite rightly condemned by everyone and immediately whipped off the list of prospective candidates.   
Something else Trump has said is that he would be a Dictator on Day One which was dismissed as a joke but it is a joke he has made a fw times now, telling a Christian crowd that  if they voted for him in 2024, they wouldn’t have to vote again in four years because: 'We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote'.
Whether it is a joke or America will be hearing jackboots marching over the hill after November is doubtful but after how his first Presidency ended with his desperate attempt to stay in power and his admiration for authoritative figures such as Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin then if enough American's look at him and think he would be a better option than someone who isn't a racist and obviously mentally in decline then they may find out.