Sunday 18 August 2024

What's In A Name?

A translation firm is offering prospective parents the chance to check their preferred baby-names don’t mean anything embarrassing in other languages and will check the meaning across 100 languages.
When it comes to picking a name for your new baby, so many factors come into play as you try to choose something unique, a family name or one that can be easily twisted into another funny or embarrassing word by foreigners writing a mickey taking blog post such as:

Amber means bucket in Estonia.
Becky in the Philippines is a young, gay man.
Bill is the Dutch word for buttocks
Bobby is pig in Indonesian.
Cara Is Arabic for shit.
Chloƫ means bollocks in Morocco and toilet in Germany
Dom is Dutch for stupid.
Fanny in the UK is a woman’s genitals.
Freya means ugly in Portuguese.
Gary in Japan is diarrhea .
Gil means snot in Poland.
Kai means egg in Thai.
Kiki means vagina in the Phillipines .
Lisa is the Greek word for rabies.
Loki means asshole in German.
Lou means a toilet in the UK
Mark is Norwegian for worm.
Mona in Italy is a woman’s genitals and a female mokey in Spanish.
Peter means to fart in French and fellatio in Argentina
Pippa in Italian means masturbation, sex in Swedish and blow job in Greece.
Randy in the UK means horny
Siri is penis in Georgia and bum in Japan.
Tessa Danish word for urinate.
Tod/Todd is German for death.
Willy in the UK is penis.

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