Sunday 25 August 2024

Answering The Hermit Priest

In 2004, Johannes Schwarz became a Priest in Lichtenstein and in 2014 he found a small hut in the Alps and gave up all the trappings of 21st Century life and stayed there and remains there today 'raising his mind to God'.
Living as hermit and feeding himself with the vegetables he grows in the small garden outside his hut, he has spent 8 years meditating on those timeless questions, 'What is the meaning of life' and 'what is our purpose here on Earth'.
Now i can help him here but as an atheist i will therefore not be going down the flowery God route but the meaning of life is to go from the cradle to the grave being the best possible person that you can be, to do the best you can for yourself and others and when your life ends, knowing that during your allotted time on the Earth you made other peoples lives better for you being in them.  
As for our purpose, we are merely animals amongst many on the planet such as dogs and cats (albeit more intelligent) and their purpose is the same as ours, to keep our species going by having children and caring and nurturing them to adulthood where they can continue the circle of life.
There you go then Johannes, both explained and i didn't need to climb a mountain and ask the Universe for the questions so wave goodbye to your cucumber and marrows and come back to Civilisation
because i am no biologist but living alone thousands of feet up the side of a mountain isn't going to help with keeping the human race going.

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