Thursday 29 August 2024

Hey Donald, Leave Our Songs Alone

I remember Donald Trump being told to get his chubby little hands off songs by several musicians when he ran for President in 2016 and he has the same problem again this year with an array of musicians coming out and demanding he stop playing their songs at his rally's.
Abba have now joined Celine Dion, Beyonce, Phil Collins and the family of Isaac Hayes and Sinead O'Connor in telling Trump to not play their songs but the most unfortunate is the Smiths because they had a song titled 'Your The One For Me Fatty' which would have been prefect for the crowd to sing as he waddled onto the stage but alas, not anymore.    
Last time out the musicians included Adele, Neil Young, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Guns N' Roses, Luciano Pavarotti, Nickelback, Ozzy Osbourne, Prince, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and The White Stripes and even the Village people told him to stop using their songs in his bid for the White House, Michael Stipe of REM went with: 'Go f*** yourselves you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign' which certainly put across his objection.
The right wing has always been short on musical talent, the left, like the devil, always had the best tunes so it shouldn't be any surprise that the Trump campaign is only attracting singers who are wearing boots and a cowboy hat but in America songs from 1928 and before are now out of Copyright and can be used so maybe he should take a look at the choices but i think i found the perfect one for him.
A 1890 song by LM Luse called Orange, i would go with that one.

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

agreed that artists tend left. hard left. they are the people that are unhappy with establishment and they want to change it to match their vision (which usually evolves around their happiness). it is only natural that if the vast majority of artists are leftists they would dominate the space.

country music is especially appreciated in the US by people that grew up in rural areas where they historically had to fight the elements, the first nations, mexico, a general lawlessness, and a lack of infrastructure (no roads, hospitals, electricity, communications, etc.). so the music wasn't always anti-establishment like that of the left.

the fight switched to the federal government, unions, and industry circa 1930, but the rural areas never turned on the nation, which the left tended to do. another thing that shaped people of the western US rural areas was never having to deal with a king. The bulk of the expansion was after we sent the stupid, arrogant brits back across the atlantic...

the fact that the uk hasn't faced those conditions in an eon is a loss for the uk.