Sunday 18 August 2024


Human life has changed so much in modern times. If someone could parachute in from an earlier century it would be a whole new world and even more to the first Homo Sapiens from 315,000 years ago but outwardly, we don't seem to have evolved much from the hairless primates that were our forefathers.
You could be excused for thinking that humans have therefore stopped evolving but the outward appearance may not have changed much but inside their have been many changes with resistance to diseases and the Darwin 'survival of the fittest' and adapting to the environment.
Genetic studies suggest that humans are still evolving and we may not have grown fins or wings like some species, but over time evolution has blessed us with a better sense of smell, bigger brains and
a keener immune system which isn't as cool as wings i agree, but are still very useful things to have.
Another examples of recent human evolution are a recently acquired Lactose tolerance and over 70% of European or European-descended adults can drink milk whereas before intolerance was the natural state of things which must have been awful, black tea and dry cornflakes!
As for what evolution has in store for our future generations, the scientists predict we will likely live longer and become taller, as well as lose muscle and bone density and our jaws and teeth will shrink
and our brains will continue to get smaller but looking at some people around, that evolutionary process started quite a while back.

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