Friday 23 August 2024

Kamala Outside America

Where before the American President Joe Biden stepped backward and Kamala Harris stepped forward, America seemed to be heading towards a disastrous second term for Donald Trump but things seemed to have turned around and  polls have the Democrats in the lead.
The White House staff must be sighing with relief because of the bill to reinforce the chairs for Trump's ample frame would have cost a fortune but  most Americans should be also because a man who was found guilty for Sexual Assault and is a convicted Fraudster while leading his campaign with how he would be dictator on Day 1 doesn't suggest he would be a good choice for leader.    
What the next President does in America is no concern of ours and as for Kamala, i neither know nor care much about her apart from she smiles and laughs a lot which isn't a bad trait to have but being American President does come with some responsibility outside of the countries borders so where does she stand on issues which would affect the rest of us?
As the second largest Global polluter and with Climate Change really starting to put the bite on the Planet, America releases 6bn tons of CO2 annually (China is top with 14bn tons) so it is great that Ms Harris has long advocated for tough laws to protect the environment and while a prosecutor in California, sued oil companies for environmental damage.
She also called fracking to be banned and to funnel funds towards renewable energy and electric vehicle tax credit and rebate programs so we hopefully will get a Green President serious about mitigating the worst effects of Climate Change
She is a supporter of Nato and supporting Ukraine in it's war against Russia and appears to be a lot less on friendly terms with the Israeli genocide currently going on in Palestine, being an advocate for a two-state solution and calling for an end to the war in Gaza which she said was: 'a humanitarian catastrophe for Palestinians'.
While serving as vice-president, she has been more open to criticising Israel during the Israel-Gaza war than her boss and held what she called: 'frank and constructive talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu' when he visited Washington in July which is diplomatic parlance for telling him to stop being such a murderous dick.
As for the rest, as i said it doesn't concern us and she can do what she wants with their bat-shit crazy gun laws, immigration, tax rates and the such because i'm over 3,500 miles away so fill your boots there Kamala but in the things that does affect me, she seems ok so i know who i'm rooting for, and it isn't the obese orange faced sex offender.