Sunday 4 August 2024

They Walk Amongst Us

The murderer who massacred three young children and seriously injured 11 others in Southport was not a Muslim or an immigrant but not that it mattered to the right wing apes who are currently rioting in British cities and have been for the past few days to 'protect our women and children' as one said who somehow saw the best way to do this was to throw bricks at police and smash up the place.
17 year old Axel Rudakubana was born in Cardiff and was involved with the local church where he was a choir boy but being a real Welsh Christian isn't what the right wing morons wanted to hear so they stuck with the immigrant Muslim shtick because as another said: 'We let them come here and build mosques but i would like to see them go to somewhere like Mecca and try and build one'.  Yep, they really do walk amongst us, they just walk very slowly because they have to use both their brain cells to not fall over and walk into things.
People like Tommy Robinson (from the safety of France) and Nigel Farage (from the safety of Donald Trumps rectum) stirred things up but despite what they say, Immigrants and Muslims aren’t the problem, tanked up violent white thugs seem to be but amidst all the carnage and violence, there have been some moments which have reflected who we really are, such as the Southport residents who came together to fix a damaged brick wall of the local mosque and idiotic individuals ended up embarrassing themselves with just how stupid they really are.
In Blackpool a rioting mob were forced to run away when confronted by 10,000 anti fascist punks who were attending a Punk Rebellion Festival and were more than happy to make their feelings known because Punks quite rightly hate anything right wing.
Then there was the woman interviewed on TV and was dressed in an EDL Flag who explained Britain was like the Titanic and: 'They filled it with too many people, what happened? It sunk, and that’s what happening to it now. We’re sinking' (maybe she was bog washing the Muslim kids during that particular history lesson at school) and the woman who shared a ‘no more mosques’ graphic – featuring Brighton’s Royal Pavilion but my absolute favorite moment has to be in the video above.
Amongst the disgusting scenes in Southport, Liverpool, Hull and others is this far right imbecile getting his nadgers crushed by a flying brick thrown by his 'mates'. Makes me laugh every single time.