Sunday 4 August 2024

Brilliantly Ignorant Religious Folk

I haven't been on Facebook for a while so i was surprised to see so many people complaining about how the Paris Olympic opening ceremony was 'Satanic' and 'making a demonic mockery of the Christian faith'.
At first i thought it was the part where we saw a headless Marie Antoinette singing as flames burst around her which had upset the religious folk and rosary bead clutching mutton had said proved that: 'Satanists control the west and they show you that they worship the devil' but reading on it appears that the bit of the ceremony which had caused an outburst of bible thumping ire had been the mockery of the Last Supper where Satan was the guest of honour.
My first thought was i must have missed that bit, maybe i had popped to the toilet during the 4 hour ceremony but it turns out it was the bit where the Greek God Dionysus appears from under a silver closh on a plate surrounded by vegetation and fruit.
The French Olympic Committee did explain patiently that it was nothing to do with the Last Supper and it was  Dionysus on the table and he was there because he is the god of celebration in Greek mythology
but the religious folk are never one to stop mid-whinge and the Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota carried on to describe it as a 'gross mockery of The Last Supper' and called on American Catholics to 'make our voices heard'.
So American Catholics and the rest of you religious nutters complaining about Satanism and mocking the Christian faith, your voices have been heard and you all sound like ignorant morons, it was..shock, horror... a Greek God at the Olympics!!

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