Saturday 3 August 2024

Learning From Ichabod Crane

Who said TV wasn't educational, it was while watching Sleep Hollow that i became aware that Benjamin Franklin had a pop at writing his own alphabet for America.
I always thought that a common global language would be a good thing but Esperanto never seemed to go anywhere but i can see why Franklin's attempt failed because he wanted to drop almost 25% of it by wiping out the letters C, J, Q, W, X and Y, deeming them superfluous.
I know that English spelling can be difficult as it is a mix of Olde English (Friend, Forebode, Hair), Middle English (Although, Implore, Revel), French (Technique, Gorgeous, Plateau), Germanic (Zeitgeist,
Poltergeist, Angst) Latin (Alias, Alibi, Caveat) and Scandinavian (Ombudsman, Murky, Kki) so it is a mix of many actual languages.
Franklin’s goal was to simplify the English language and to provide a 'break' from the British by changing the language but the idea obviously never caught on among the masses but Noah Websters version certainly did, he chopped and changed things around and took out the dreaded letter U because it was an unseemly letter that had no business in the middle of a perfectly reasonable word like colour or rumour and chopped the -ed from the end of words and replaced it with -t.
If you are not that good at spelling then Benny Franklin did try to help you out and for you American patriots, as you refuse to use the 5th vowel in many of your words and call crisps chips, chips fries and don't use the term fortnight and get confused with biscuits and don't get me started on where you go wrong with bum, fag and fanny but in a way, you do have your own English language .

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