Sunday 18 August 2024

What Is Project 25?

I keep hearing about how Donald Trump is poised to enact the Project 2025 manifesto should America be mentally impaired enough to vote him into Office again but i have never really been very sure what it is about and Donald Trump himself has seemingly tried to distance himself from it , saying  he disagrees with some of the things they’re saying , calling them absolutely ridiculous and abysmal and then confusingly that he didn’t know anything about it or want to.
Project 2025 is a right wing think tanks manifesto which makes 'recommendations for the next conservative president' and they note that 64% of their recommendations from Project 2016 were implemented by, guess who...Donald Trump.
But what exactly does the 900 page document actually recommend 'the next conservative president' does when in office?
Well it starts by raging against Marxism in American institutions and wants to deconstruct the Administrative State by abolishing the Department for Education and Department of Homeland Security as well as scrapping the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and close the US Secret Service’s field offices.
Next they say they would 'restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children' and they plan to do that by deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights from every piece of legislation that exists.
The basis of sex in education programs to be amended to define ‘sex’ as meaning 'only biological sex recognised at birth' as 'radical gender ideology is having a devastating effect on school-aged children today' and public education employees and contractors can only using a name for a student and use the pronoun which is on their birth certificate.
It also calls for the next President to disregard same-sex couples and subsidizing single-motherhood and create policies that support the formation of stable, married, nuclear families and all regulations that outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity (including transgender identity) and sex characteristics should be rescinded.
As for abortion, they want Planned Parenthood to receive no Medicaid funds and outlaw mailed abortion pills and reverse government approval of chemical abortion drugs.
They next want to end 'Climate fanaticism' and end the war on fossil fuels and subsidies on electric vehicles and scrap carbon capture programs as environmental extremism is 'anti-human' and the number of climate-related bodies to be downsized or 'eliminated'.
It then wants to hold China accountable and collect damages for trillion of dollars for the Covid-19 virus, which it says was a 'genetically engineered virus' and eliminate visas being issued to Chinese students to prevent espionage and ban Chinese social media apps such as TikTok and WeChat.
On the military, it wants to increase military budgets and form a 'Space Force Academy' and reverse policies which allow transgender people to serve in the military.
They suggest aggressively building Trump’s border wall, stop funding the Palestinian Authority, strengthening relations with Saudi Arabia, a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of America’s involvement in all international organisations such as the World Health Organistaion who 'support the oppression of basic human rights'.
So all in all, Project 2025 is pretty crackpot and they would need a proper moron to even consider their recommendations and even Donald Trump isn't that stupid. Is he?

1 comment:

Not really a blog said...

i agree 2025 is crackpot. only two others proposals as equally feckless: paris accords and "the green new deal".

if 2025 was a person, it would be gretta. ignorant, loud, abrasive, arrogant